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The number of those who are happy to treat themselves to something tasty and not always healthy is probably still greater than those who live by the principle of “eat to live.” In eating behavior, people are guided not so much by the feeling of hunger, but by reactions to color, appearance, smell, availability, etc. An important factor that determines a person’s attitude towards food is family tradition. In many families, almost ALL life revolves around the table. In many families, when a child does something nice for the parents, the reward is something tasty. The child grows up, but he remains in the habit of rewarding himself for good behavior. You yourself have heard this more than once: “We went on vacation, we live like kings. We wake up and the table is already fully set for breakfast, we had breakfast, rested and it’s time for lunch, then tea and cakes, and then dinner came and tea and a snack before bed.”Remember fairy tales that are full of magical objects - there are self-assembled tablecloths and stoves who bake pies themselves, and cook pots of porridge. Family, fairy tales, many things around us and within us form eating habits that do not allow us to have the shapes that we want to have. Eating behavior formed over decades is not so easy to change. And then the question of motivation arises. Suppose that your profession obliges you to maintain your body in a certain shape (modeling, ballet, etc.), or you fell in love, or the doctors made an impression on you. In this case, your motivation is so strong that the problem of self-abuse will not be acute. An example of strong motivation is the approach to nutrition in diabetics. Life itself is a fairly strong motivation and argument in favor of a balanced and moderate diet. If the cause of your extra pounds is your eating behavior, then you can change it and get the shape you dream of. If behind the habit lies compensation for what is lacking with food, then you need to look for ways. Food will not solve problems, but will add new worries - about extra pounds, about loss of beauty and attractiveness. To be continued. Your Lana.
