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From the author: Psychotherapist, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, TV program expert, educational psychologist, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, sexologist, NLP master, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, coach, trainer .Let me start with the fact that childbirth is a natural process, but the unknown is always scary. There is a lot of information on this topic, often not the most reassuring, but rather the opposite. This leads to many problems, and women, sometimes not fully realizing their fear, can unknowingly prevent the birth of their children. In this regard, I would like to tell you about my work as a family psychologist with a client from Moscow. She couldn’t understand why she couldn’t get pregnant and give birth, everything seemed to be fine with her, and her husband had no problems either, the tests were all normal. While working with her, we came across the problem of fear of childbirth. In this case, it grew from different sources: radio, television, books, people, etc. She especially remembered one film where a woman had a difficult birth. I think that you will probably remember many such films. This left its mark for many years. As a psychotherapeutic method, I suggested that she become the director of a film about childbirth. And then we came across information that was a kind of revelation for her. She suddenly realized something for herself, taking the place of the film director. She wanted to tell the actors playing the roles: “Shout louder to attract the attention of the audience!” Well, later, while analyzing the accompanying situations and solving them, she came to the conclusion that there was a lot here that was far-fetched. And after eliminating the problematic condition, she made the following conclusion for herself: “I will be fine. I bring calmness to the birth process.” Another client of mine from Voronezh recalled that she often, starting from childhood, heard women talking about difficult childbirth. And later, during our work with her, when I worked as a family psychologist, she realized for herself that this was a kind of way of clarifying the situation: “who is cooler, who is more difficult.” The problem was resolved. That, in general, is all I wanted to tell you about. Summing up our conversation, I address you, dear women. Let's be, perhaps, more careful in our stories and words when we talk about childbirth in the presence of nulliparous girls. Let’s not traumatize their psyche by introducing some of our own negative ideas. And to the girls themselves, I would like to say: if this topic worries you too much, then you always have the opportunity to solve it for yourself and replace the horror story with a cool positive statement, like this: “I will have an easy birth, I will give birth to a healthy child,” or any other at your request. Let everything be the way you want. Live your thoughts, beliefs, build your own life and realize your plans.
