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From the author: O.N. Pashnina Every patient is valuable to me, individual, loved! I put my SOUL, my HEART, my LOVE and PROFESSIONALISM into EVERYONE! As a nurse, working in a rural outpatient clinic, I had to serve patients at home (in particular, give injections). At that moment in my Life, I did not yet know that in the future I would become a neuropsychologist, neurorehabilitation specialist. However, despite the fact that the functional tasks included only making the injection prescribed by the doctor, for me this was a secondary matter. I felt like the patient was waiting, and first of all he was waiting for my attention, my questions, my kindness, my love, my warm hands, and only then, when his HEART is filled with “THIS,” he is ready to take the prescribed injection and it will definitely help him! This EXPERIENCE, this LOVE for my Business, for the People with whom I work, CONTINUES TO BE THE MAIN, PRIMARY, despite my PROFESSIONAL GROWTH. For more than 10 years, I have been working as a CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST (neuropsychologist, neurorehabilitation specialist) and I have MY OWN APPROACH in the rehabilitation of patients: A COMBINATION OF SPIRITUAL MEDICINE (CREATIVITY, LOVE) WITH SCIENCE (in the field of CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, PS CHIATRICS, NEUROREHABILITOLOGY This approach has helped many of my patients with various organic brain lesions of different origins, different ages, with various medical diagnoses (autism, microcephaly, post-stroke condition, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and other psychoneurological diseases that are difficult to treat in traditional medicine) to recover. . With gratitude to O.N. Pashnina
