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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert of television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, best master, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Liliya” Probably, we should start with the fact that all of us, sexologists, psychotherapists and family psychologists, have to work with problems at almost every appointment self-esteem. This happens both in the case of male sexual problems: the syndrome of anxious anticipation of sexual failure (ASF) or any other problems with potency or erection, as well as premature (accelerated) ejaculation, and in solving female sexual problems, for example, anorgasmia, frigidity. , alibidemia, vaginismus or dyspareunia. Often this situation occurs as a result of past negative experience, which manifests itself in some sexual problems. In this option, sexology is also added to psychology, and, as they say: without a psychologist-sexologist, this is not possible. This was the case with my client from Moscow, who came to me because she found herself in some kind of dead end in life. She has a civil marriage. which has been going on for about 10 years. During this time, a lot was experienced, and as a result, the couple came to sexual disharmony. The woman began to develop the female sexual problem of anorgasmia, and her common-law husband began to experience the syndrome of anxious anticipation of sexual failure, and problems with potency and erection were increasingly occurring. But since the lady came alone, we started our psychotherapy with her. She always considered herself unattractive, and as she said: even ugly. She was saved only by the fact that, as they say: “the tongue was well hung,” and as a result of this, she did not remain unattended by men. But now in a couple, when everything is already known about each other, and understandable at a glance, and there was no longer any conversation left except for everyday topics, various kinds of problems began to arise. Gradually, it all came down to the fact that they were just close people, and there was less and less sex. But even now this closeness has already begun to go somewhere. And something had to be done about this. The woman began to believe that her best years were already behind her, she was not young, and no one would need her. My client from Moscow tried to maintain the relationship, but one day her common-law husband confirmed her thoughts: “Why are we together, for what? Perhaps it would be better to break up and find another partner?” We should have worked on the woman’s self-esteem, instilled in her self-confidence, and the readiness to make changes in her life. Self-esteem. As they say, the classic work of all psychotherapists, sexologists and family psychologists. We had to resort to NLP techniques and rapid change psychotherapy to remove what the woman had accumulated over the years. Next, we returned to her those positive and good states that were before the civil marriage, and instilled faith in herself. After such work, we came to the point that it was probably time to work on the client’s appearance. This is where mesotherapy and fitness can come to the rescue, and you should also start taking more care of yourself and delighting yourself with something. Then, we removed the state of dissolution in the partner, especially since she said that probably neither he nor she needed it anymore. After which we had to work on consolidating a positive image of ourselves and modeling positive changes in terms of our sexuality and femininity. But all this is done for the positive, bright state of the client, so that the negative past does not drag him back down..
