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Every person wants to be himself, not look back and not listen to others. Authenticity is a person’s ability to maintain his views, remain himself and correspond to his own ideas about life, regardless of external circumstances. Preserve your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, views, principles, without succumbing to external influence. Authenticity is understanding oneself, the ability to correctly determine one’s emotional state and the ability to openly express it when interacting with others. An authentic person is a person who recognizes his weaknesses and limitations and is not embarrassed by them. He has strong convictions of his own and rarely listens to other people's opinions. He always listens to himself, instead of adapting to generally accepted patterns and conforming to them. He hears his inner voice, understands his inner difficulties, listens to his intuition. He doesn't try to be himself, that's just who he is. Does not seek to oppose himself to others. He has his own beliefs and rules. Such a person is honest, open, sincere, first of all, with himself. He always says what he thinks, is not afraid to be funny, and is not afraid of criticism. He is not afraid to admit his mistakes and failures, he accepts them while maintaining integrity. Understands that mistakes are inevitable. Sets new goals for himself, looks for new options for solving problems. An authentic person is always responsible for his actions and takes responsibility for his decisions and actions. He lives a conscious life. Understands what emotions he is experiencing now and why. Analyzes his feelings An authentic person is always open to new things and constantly learns something about himself. His behavior corresponds to his internal state, and his actions correspond to his words. An authentic person can easily say “no”, he understands that only he makes his decisions. He helps other people, his loved ones, although he is able to refuse them something without feeling guilty. He knows how to accept other people's individuality, understands that everyone has their own shortcomings, weaknesses, and strengths. An authentic person knows how to be honest and always stands up for what he believes in. When a person feels that he is accepted for who he really is, then he stops pretending to himself and others, does not strive to be someone he is not, and listens to his inner voice. Then his life changes, acquires meaning, a purpose in life. Most people are not authentic at the beginning of their lives because as children they are taught to adjust their behavior so that their parents' expectations are met. “As children, we want to be valued so much that it becomes more important to us than freedom. We try so hard to please others that we lose sight of what we ourselves need and what path we want to take.” S. Joseph Stephen Joseph developed his formula for authenticity: Know yourself + be responsible for yourself + be yourself. According to the formula of authenticity, it is not enough to just be yourself. You also need to know yourself and be responsible for yourself. If we try to become ourselves without knowing ourselves, there is a danger that we will mistake the critical voice within us for the voice of intuition. Authenticity is an important indicator of a person's mental health. Authenticity needs to be developed: Increase self-esteem. Learn to accept and value yourself without any conditions. Avoid toxic, negative people. Authenticity must be revealed. This is a long, constant process and you need to be attentive to your inner world, your desires and the expression of your emotions. Then a person will understand what he really wants, find his true calling and learn to distinguish his own voice from others. Authenticity is the path to a happy, mindful life. Are you an authentic person? How do you feel about authenticity??
