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From the author: Last time I touched on the question of what reasons contribute to the expenditure of energy. But it is known that energy and its reserves can be controlled. Below are ways to fill with vital energy: at the level of the physical body: Healthy lifestyle: daily routine, nutrition, exercise and sleep. Healthy food and avoidance of intoxicants. Curing diseases or at least making some progress along this path. Using various cleanses: therapeutic fasting, herbal decoctions, yogic cleansing methods (shankhaprakshalana, gaja kriya, etc.), cleansing the liver, kidneys, blood, lymph, etc. Practice relaxation meditation to relieve muscle tension. Practice of eastern disciplines: hatha yoga, tai chi chuan, tai chi, qigong, etc. Accumulation of energy at the level of the etheric body: Awareness of the breath and gentle attempts to direct it in the right direction: breathing through the nose, not the mouth, exhalation is longer inhalation, etc. Living in harmony with nature and spending frequent time in the fresh air. The ability to remain calm during a decrease in tone and not identify with it. The practice of various energy disciplines that involve concentration on the chakras and other points of the body to master subtle energy. Accumulation of energy at the level of the astral body: The ability to maintain an elevated mood almost constantly, regardless of the circumstances and events occurring in life. Overcoming the tendency to negative emotions. For this you can use psychotherapy and spiritual practices. Working through emotional tensions and traumas with a psychologist. Emotional openness and positive interaction with people. Stop communicating with negative people and energy vampires. Developing within yourself Divine love for everything that exists. Accumulating energy at the level of the mental body: Practice meditation, trataka, awareness of your thoughts throughout the day. Stopping unnecessary and negative thoughts. Observation of thoughts and, as a result, the ability to disidentify oneself with thoughts (understand that I am not thoughts). Understanding that every thought entails karmic consequences. Share on vk
