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From the author: The article was published in the collection of articles of Magnitogorsk State University (All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Health-Saving and Speech Therapy Technologies in Education: Traditions, Search, Innovation.” In In modern conditions, teachers are especially susceptible to emotional stress. This is facilitated by a number of stress factors, both common to all people and purely professional ones: the need to be the subject of observation and evaluation; the need to constantly confirm one’s competence and status; the need to resolve conflict situations within a short time; high responsibility; constant use of one’s communicative, expressive, organizational abilities; long hours of work that are not properly assessed; information overload; the specific atmosphere of a predominantly female team; the need for constant communication. As a result of chronic exposure to stress factors, a teacher increases the likelihood of developing a special condition known as "emotional burnout syndrome" Its main manifestations are: fatigue, lack of strength, low performance and various symptoms of physical ailments (headaches, insomnia, stomach problems, heart diseases, etc.); a feeling of “mutedness”, “dullness” of emotions, when a specialist is no longer in the strength to respond, to respond to someone else’s pain; violation of the sphere of relationships: the gradual development of negative attitudes towards oneself, work, students. Contacts become more soulless, depersonalizing, and formal. Increasing dissatisfaction with oneself, a decrease in the feeling of personal success, a decrease in the sense of value of one’s activities. Statistics show that these symptoms are observed in 70% of school teachers. Thus, from a personal problem this problem develops into a public one, especially since emotional imbalance induces the same imbalance in the student.!! In our practice of preventing and reducing the “emotional burnout syndrome” among teachers, we organize the work of “Balint groups”.!!!! “The Balint group” is a version of supervision.!!!!Supervision - (literally translated “view from above”), the implementation of a process for which there is a more knowledgeable, more authoritative observer who understands everything that happens, who sees the entire communication process in detail , large-scale and eager to help.!!!! The English doctor of Hungarian origin M. Balint proposed in the early 1950s a method that helps reduce emotional tension when communicating between a doctor and a patient, with the goal of helping doctors practicing in general medicine develop an attentive attitude to professional tasks and the reasons for their failures. Later, for the same purpose, Balint groups began to be used for other representatives of “helping professions” working in the “person-to-person” system (teachers, psychologists, lawyers).!! By the early 1990s, Balint groups became widespread in the world. In Russia, Balint groups are gaining increasing recognition, and one of the leaders of this movement is the Balint Society of St. Petersburg, founded in 1994. The object of Balint groups are difficult, unsuccessful cases and unresolved problems of professional activity from the practice of specialists working with people. Work Balint groups must satisfy a number of requirements: - the work of the group is based on real cases from the practice of group members; - the discussion is focused on the relationship “teacher-student (teacher, parent)”; - the group is not searching for the “only right solution”, searching for the truth; there can be no struggle, no suppression of other people's opinions. All points of view are equal and equally acceptable if expressed correctly; - the group is closed as much as possible; - group members are encouraged to express assumptions, hypotheses, versions. Advice, instructions, assessments, teachings are not allowed. Standard operating rules
