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Today I want to write about such a very interesting and congenial style of managing an organization as beta leadership, which values ​​cooperation, teamwork, friendly communication, innovative ideas, staff involvement. In such giant companies as Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Zappos, Timberland and a number of others, beta leadership is accepted. Let me remind you that the traditional style of managing organizations is alpha leadership, which implies tough hierarchical structure, control, results orientation. However, more and more successful companies are growing out of startups with a beta culture, where collaboration, curation and communication are valued, writes venture capitalist Martin Zwilling. Some argue that a new horizontal culture is gaining momentum due to the rising generation Y , inclined to gather in communities. Others (like Dana Hardy in her new book The Fall of the Alphas) ​​argue that betas are part of broader cultural changes associated with the rise of the Internet (which emphasizes community, instant communication, and collaboration). How does beta leadership differ from our usual management model of alpha leaders and how realistic is the future for beta managers? - Beta leaders do not use a rigid command-and-control management model and the “I am the boss” model, which is still so widespread in our country. you're a fool". They create companies with a horizontal structure in which employees feel like they are part of an organization with ambitious goals. Each employee understands and shares these goals. - Beta leaders practice ego-management, guided in relation to themselves and their employees by such simple concepts as: Patience - recognition that both the leader himself and his employees are not ideal, that everyone has positive and negative traits, and the need to be tolerant of them. Acceptance - no matter how initially a leader is committed to control, patience will allow him to accept the attitude of avoiding strict control and control, basically, what he really can: how he himself reacts to what is happening. Acceptance in this context is a chance to accept both the good and the bad, and work to increase the good and minimize the bad. Gratitude is the ability to find words of gratitude, praise for yourself and your employees, “massage the ego of employees,” give “strokes” ", which will be possible, despite the enormous ambition of the projects, thanks to the patience and acceptance that the leader has. - Beta leaders inspire their employees to innovate, that is, all ideas from employees are accepted and considered by the team, employees are interested both financially and morally in providing their innovation proposals and projects. - Beta leaders emphasize cooperation and teamwork." Instead of sticking knives into each other, beta companies thrive by building successful communities with shared values.” In teamwork, the best qualities of each of its participants are in demand and, thanks to this, employees are much more successful in such a system. - Beta leaders create a common corporate culture in the company. Creating a corporate culture is thoughtful, painstaking work, the final result of which should resemble a symphony orchestra more than an army running to attack. - Beta leaders are ready to change roles and responsibilities on a weekly, daily and hourly basis. Markets and consumers are changing very quickly nowadays. A rigid and unwieldy hierarchical structure cannot change quickly, but a beta company is ready for such challenges, and its employees are ready for flexibility and changing roles as needed. - Beta leaders trust and empathize with their employees. Yes, “nothing human is alien to them.” But, if some employee does not fit into the team and interferes with the others, then they part with him quickly, decisively, but also kindly, without humiliating his humanity!
