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Pasions are constantly raging around the topic of “business for two”. Some people say that we have been developing our business with a partner for ten years now and everything is fine, we live “harmoniously.” Others complain: “We haven’t had time to start our own business, we haven’t gotten back on our feet yet, and already misunderstandings and conflicts arise with our business partner.” What is the reason? What does a relationship with a business partner depend on? . So, let's take it in order. What does the relationship between partners who have created a business for two depend on? I would highlight the following points here:.1. The coincidence of business principles is perhaps the most important factor. Let’s say, my first conflicts with my partner began precisely because of divergent views on how to conduct this or that transaction, how to keep track of income and expenses, how to manage document flow, and there were differences in the principles of tax accounting. When people have different ideas about the development of their common cause, then conflicts begin that destroy the development of this very cause. If everything in a team works as a single mechanism, if all co-owners adhere to one common strategic line, then such a business turns into a powerful “colossus” capable of withstanding serious tests..2. The ability to feel the “health state” of your business. The fact is that business is a living organism. When he is just being created, he, like a child, needs protection and care. As he grows up, he becomes stronger, and how strong and strong he grows up depends on how he was “cared for as a child.” By the way, a very common pattern for conflict situations arising on this basis is when a business that has not yet matured begins to be “milked” like a cash cow. You won’t believe it, but my partner and I had this happen. Moreover, the situation is standard and banal. We made a successful deal, and now we have a decent amount of money in our hands. I felt that this money could not be completely pulled out of the business, but my partner said that he needed money, that he wanted to buy something for himself from household appliances. In general, they had to share all the profits, making their business weak and defenseless. But there was a conflict of interest, which, of course, did not lead to anything good...3. Mutual respect and decency between business partners. You know, this point probably should have been put in first place. Although, in principle, all points are worthy of being in the first position. Well, of course, without respect for each other and honest, decent relationships, you cannot build a business. Unfortunately, it often happens that partners begin to create their own business, being best friends, but then part as bitter enemies, ready to tear each other apart. But it’s enough just to want to listen and hear. But stubbornness, pride and pride prevent this from happening. So it turns out that because of disrespect for each other, what we have been building together for years is collapsing.
