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Aggression is from the Latin word for “to attack.” It is not surprising, but aggression has helped people survive for many millennia. If it exists, then it is needed for our own protection. Every person has an instinct of self-preservation and this aggression is formed as negative feelings accumulate. Anger, resentment, fear are very energetic feelings. But from childhood we are taught not to show them and are even forbidden. “Come on, pull yourself together!”, “Don’t pay attention!” As adults, we begin to tell ourselves: “We need to pull ourselves together...not react.” And so this destructive energy begins to accumulate, because he did not protect himself, did not show his natural reaction, and placed something inside himself that begins to take root and grow. The accumulated negative energy is dangerous for the person himself, it can lead to various diseases. There are a lot of examples that can be given. The daughter-in-law lives in the same apartment with her mother-in-law. The relationship is, to put it mildly, bad. For each new attack from the mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law silently goes to her room, suppressing her resentment and anger. This continues for some time until the daughter-in-law, brought to the point of moral exhaustion, falls into depression. She simply blocked unexpressed aggression. What was it worth exchanging negative energy with the offender once and for all? Yes, not even once! Until a person understands, there is no way to feed on energy here. And then there would be no need to pull the young woman out of a protracted depression. R.S. Homans believes that aggression can be caused by a situation related to the desire for justice. Rean A.A., Buettner K. and others consider some cases of aggressive manifestation as an adaptive property associated with getting rid of frustration and anxiety. On the other hand, suppressed aggression is dangerous not only for the person, but also for others. The teacher insulted the student, the father came to school, during the conversation, he did not allow himself to express everything he wanted. Having arrived home, I began to blame myself for my softness. Guilt turned into a need to take revenge on the offender at all costs, the plan was hatched around the clock, irritation and anger grew and, one day, he simply went and beat the teacher, that is, he threw out his accumulated aggression. The person no longer has feelings, but feelings have a person, capturing him completely and completely. Living in these feelings, a person again and again attracts new offenders. Therefore, in time, negative energy that is not “spilled out” begins to destroy a person, instead of protecting him. I don’t mean stooping to rudeness, especially physical force, but putting the offender in his place and letting him know that you will not allow any further attacks of a different negative nature against you, this is the key to your emotional and mental health.
