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From the author: Interview with the popular magazine: “Wheel of Life” - 2009 “GO BROAD AND REALIZE YOUR DREAM” – INTERVIEW BY SERGEY KOLESH FOR THE MAGAZINE: “WHEEL OF LIFE” Sergey Kolesha – practicing healer, psychologist, specialist in integrative medicine, author of a unique system of Remote Diagnostics. Having created his diagnostic method, he went not only beyond traditional medicine, combining it into a harmonious whole with the systems of the East and Slavic folk medicine, but also eliminated the barrier of distance and location. Using modern communication systems, such as video communication Skype, he works with people from all over the world, helping them regain health and integrity. We decided to ask Sergei about how his way of going beyond limits helped him realize his dream. - Tell me, Sergei, in your opinion, do people who want to realize their dreams need boundaries? — Frameworks are always limitations, but they do not always hinder human development. They can activate his internal potential to overcome the next obstacles on the path of self-development. In addition, the framework of a musical, poetic or artistic work stimulates creative creativity, laconism in presentation, completeness in the image, which gives the world wonderful examples of a masterful vision of life. But this does not at all indicate that it is necessary to create them artificially. For limited perception and the inability to consider the world holistically deprives a person of the ability to create naturally and uniquely. - How do you feel about the framework established by society, the environment, morality, duty? - Of course , these are the most difficult frameworks and the most limiting, but they can also be temporary and prepare a person for deeper and wiser life experiences that remove the constraining bonds of an imperfect society. A society dominated by legal laws instead of ethical norms is not able to replace duty with responsibility, because only the person himself can do this. And only he can use his personal power for the benefit of himself and other people. It is important to realize your direct involvement in life events and not be afraid of change, but desire it. For fear is the worst and most ingrained frame, and you can go beyond it thanks to the knowledge of your limitless possibilities. - Are there limits in your life and how do you go beyond them? - All my adult life I have been destroying frames and going beyond limitations. Whether it concerns diagnostic or treatment methods, trainings or seminars, I always strive to synthesize the best from the hoary past with the latest modern trends. This was the case with my method of Remote Diagnostics. As for other aspects of my life, they are also no exception. — Tell us, please, what is the essence of Remote Diagnostics? — DD - Remote diagnostics is a method of detailed and in-depth study of organs, systems, centers and channels of the body using the dowsing method, which makes it possible to detect not only obvious organic and functional disorders in the human body, but also parasitic pathogenic micro and macro organisms. And this can be done without spatial restrictions and without leaving home. — How did you come up with the idea of ​​Remote Diagnostics, and how does it differ from other diagnostic methods? — A friend of mine came to me from the USA for treatment. In a few days I restored his physical and psychological health and natural balance. Having discovered my diagnostic method, he asked if I could conduct similar sessions at a distance. I had previously used the remote diagnostic method. Skype made this work easier and allowed me to practically “live” scan a person’s biofield and his information wave fields to obtain the necessary data about the state of his health, psychological trauma, complexes, the state of his spiritual development and much more. While in Ukraine, I spent diagnosed his wife in Texas, identified her psychophysical problems,prescribed treatment with herbs and homeopathy, and also worked with her energy field using an Energy Information Healing session. As it turned out, this method of interaction and contact did not at all underestimate the value of the information received and did not distort it at all. Moreover, remote treatment was no less successful than in a regular appointment, since after half an hour she felt relieved of a huge burden of problems, refreshed and rested. The main difference between Remote Diagnostics and other diagnostic methods is versatility, versatility, and accessibility. In DD, ancient knowledge and a modern psychosomatic approach are combined into a coherent system that allows you to see a holistic and complete picture of a person’s state of health, hidden causes of his ailments, psychological stamps, bindings, blockages of energy systems, harmful influences, parasite carriage. In addition, with the help of DD it is possible not only to find the root cause of various ailments, infections, and diseases, but also to develop an individual strategy for treatment and restoration of health. - Please explain how, with the help of a pendulum or biotensor, you are able to diagnose a person located thousands of kilometers away from you? - The same way they find missing people, minerals, sunken ships. That is, thanks to the radiation of the biofield, which is extra-spatial or, more precisely, inter-dimensional, and the presence of a certain resonance, frequency or wavelength inherent in all living material objects. During the diagnosis, I enter a deep meditative state (alpha brain rhythm) of increased awareness and extreme concentration of attention . Alpha state allows me to establish an unhindered connection between my own subconscious and the subconscious of the person being studied, which contains all the information he is interested in. Using correctly posed questions, the necessary levels of the client are examined (SPIRITUAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL) to obtain information on the state of each organ or system , determining the current state of health, the direction of spiritual development and life lessons.— That is, there are also no frameworks and restrictions here?— There really is no such thing if the questions are correct and do not contradict the free will of a person and do not program him.— Tell Sergey, is he capable Does each person engage in self-diagnosis or does this require training or the help of a professional? - Yes, every person at the level of his DNA, as well as the subconscious, contains information that allows him to explore his physical and even supraphysical levels. The main thing is to learn to extract and use this vital information. An example is a person’s intuition, having mastered it, he receives answers to any questions that interest him. In this case, dowsing is an excellent and quite accessible way of self-help if a person has an open channel of sensory sensitivity and an unhindered connection has been established with a diagnostic tool in the form of a pendulum or biotensor. — What do you consider the most important thing in your life? — Of course, love, always guiding and transforming. It is LOVE that moves the world and in my case it inspires me to creatively realize and discover new ways and methods of helping people, which became possible to a great extent thanks to the creation of their own website: www.kolesha.ru The Vedruss have the concept of a “space of love” that they created before joining their destinies forever. There is also the concept of “place of power” - a space that gives a person special energy. Therefore, my author’s website is one of the “places of power” - where I pour my creative energy and draw potential for future creative projects, which allows me to spread knowledge around the world , overcoming any boundaries and limitations.— What recommendations for self-healing can you give to readers of the “Wheel of Life”? The Wheel of Life, according to ancient sacred texts, is the Wheel of Rebirth or the repeated incarnation of a person on planet Earth for
