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The Internet has become an integral part of the life of a modern person. In the virtual world you can find any information of interest, communicate with friends and family, work, watch entertainment content, study and much more. Of course, this also applies to the children's part of the population. Moreover, a couple of years ago, the world situation made serious adjustments to the educational process - many were in distance learning, and now this practice continues. In this regard, it is simply impossible to protect a child from being online entirely. Let's try to formulate our own rules for staying safe on the Internet. First of all, for children of preschool and primary school age, it is necessary to install parental controls on all gadgets with Internet access. All content consumed by the child must be carefully filtered, and parents must be present when accessing the Internet. At this age we are not talking about any messengers or social networks at all. The child should also not see scary or questionable information. As the child gets older (around middle school), supervision should also be exercised. At the same time, if you see inappropriate ones among the resources you viewed, there is no need to shame you for it. Everyone understands perfectly well that there is absolutely indecent content in the public domain, and it will not be possible to protect a child from everything in the world. You just need to discuss what you saw, allow the child to trust and ask questions that interest them. There are no clear age restrictions for maintaining social networks, however, this must definitely be over 13-14 years of age. Until this point, the teenager should be explained that it is strictly forbidden to meet friends from the virtual world without the presence of parents, to share compromising information (especially intimate photographs!), or to post inappropriate photos and videos. It’s still not worth reading correspondence and completely controlling the child, but you need to be vigilant. You should also make it clear to your child that he can share with you if he comes across confusing or incomprehensible information on the Internet, and ask questions without fear of being judged. If a child has encountered bullying online (cyberbullying is very common lately), it is necessary find out who is behind this, and, if it is a close circle (classmates, acquaintances from sections/circles), then bring it up for discussion with the leadership of the organization in which these children belong. Usually the child becomes withdrawn, silent, and there is a change in his usual behavior. You need to carefully monitor this and take timely measures. Be sure to do sex education before the child finds everything on the Internet (and this will definitely happen, sooner or later, nothing can be done about it). Children who first learn about sex from pornographic videos will have a distorted idea of ​​normal intimacy, since these materials are far from reality. Such conversations can embarrass the parents themselves, but you need to be able to be in the position of an adult, and not an embarrassed teenager. There’s still no escape from this. Children should know that they cannot make any payments or money transfers without informing their parents, even if they have their own bank card! Protect yourself and your children from unwanted consequences. Share your opinion on about Internet safety rules and add your own. Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Learn to manage your emotions!💪
