I'm not a robot


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I'm not a robot


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Continuation (part 2) The story of the heroine. Are you happy or sad? It’s HIM! When I saw him, I immediately realized: “It’s him!” Such situations are described in books or shown in movies, but this happened in my life. I understood that he liked me at first sight, and he understood the same about me, also, from the first seconds. The desire for intimacy, a feeling of mutual understanding, external attractiveness, the magical inability to take my eyes off, a feeling of the inevitability of something, in general, the understanding that I could not pass by in any way. After work, I went to the supermarket, where I met him. We bumped into each other in a store that was quite large and free at this time of day several times until we accepted a certain fatality of the process and became acquainted. I was carried out of my fatigue and sadness in the rapid whirlpool of a new love. It’s good that it was just like that, “headless” as they say, otherwise how would I have parted with the condom?! I got pregnant right away, on the first try, on the first cycle, and on the one hand I “flew on the wings of love,” but on the other , of course, I thought about my future life. My chosen one turned out to be married, and I planned to become a single mother, not seeing anything wrong with that. Already at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, I talked about this at home. I was going to live with my parental family, so I considered it necessary to immediately notify my parents about the upcoming birth of a child. It’s difficult for me to remember how it was... It came as a complete surprise to me that instead of joyfully accepting me as pregnant and my own future grandson (which I had hoped for), I was boycotted by all my relatives. Definitely an abortion! Abortion without talking! This is what my family told me, and do you know why? Because you can’t give birth outside of marriage, you can’t destroy someone else’s family, you can’t give birth to a child without a wedding, you can’t raise a baby alone, you can’t, you can’t, you can’t... And also, you’re not supposed to be happy under such circumstances either. What will people say?! My whole life is ruined! My dad and brother didn’t talk to me. Mom was lying in bed and “dying” from a stroke, heart attack and something else. Every day, returning home from work, I was faced with an icy wall of boycott when I wanted peace, support, love and security. After two or three days, other relatives got involved, saying that I was mocking my mother and driving her to the grave with my rash deed. I can’t even express how much I suffered and cried constantly when no one saw me, when no one was around. A week and a half later, in the morning at work, I felt a strong nagging pain in my stomach. Around lunchtime, I started bleeding, and in the evening, after work, I was taken to the hospital with the threat of termination of pregnancy. The doctor in the emergency department, after examining me, asked me whether I would continue the pregnancy? Of course, I answered that I would, but I felt that it would be impossible to save anything. At about three o'clock in the morning I had a miscarriage. I was kept in the hospital for another week after all this happened. And I would like to lie there more and more, just not to return home. I felt good in the hospital, I didn’t experience any inconvenience from the multi-bed ward and poor nutrition, since I didn’t notice anything, didn’t think about anything, didn’t see anything and didn’t want anything. During these days, I realized how lonely I was, and I realized that, in fact, I simply had nowhere to return. I no longer had a home. The story of the heroine. I am a robot But, unfortunately, I had to return home. My goals included renting an apartment, I planned and considered various options, since I was not used to doing something on a whim. I needed to take everything into account and calculate, but for now, I decided to devote all my free time to work and hardly appear at home. I didn’t sit idly by, there was really a lot of work, and this helped me a lot. I work with people, so communicating with them requires a lot, you need to look good, smile, and maintain a conversation, all this “takes away” fromown problems. I left at 7.00 in the morning and returned at 24.00 at night. I couldn't see my parents. After the hospital, my mother immediately “recovered” and somehow became quiet. If we ran into each other in the hallway of the apartment, I became “nothing”, tried to dissolve or disappear, just so as not to touch her, not to speak, not to pay attention. I could not. And I couldn’t speak, because everything was just cramping and my mouth wouldn’t open, and I had nothing to say, there was such emptiness inside. I didn’t even want to think about my parents, our relationship, the loss of pregnancy, because I understood that otherwise I would not survive from this endless pain and the abyss of a wide variety of negative emotions. All my actions were automatic, perhaps I even moved like a robot. And when I approached the house, a mask fell on my face by itself, it became immobilized and emotionless. So, by immersing myself in my work, I was able to somehow survive this period. In six months I then lost eight kg. The story of the heroine. Holidays to the sea, thanks to this, I went remarkably well. Yes, my friends simply forced me to take a vacation and go with them in a big group to the sea. In principle, I love the sea, and going away from home is a great idea. Two things slightly overshadowed this trip: the absence of my favorite job and the presence of people with whom I needed to communicate. How do they communicate on vacation? They were walking, having fun, having a blast... Of course, I had no time for that, but as a cultured and educated person, I couldn’t spoil the mood of my friends, so I regularly participated in all entertainment events and smiled. A smile, as you know, works wonders, so with did something similar to me. One man from our large group began to look closely at me and even look after me, which was more like caring. Maybe that’s why I didn’t understand anything and didn’t appreciate, so to speak, his interest, without reciprocating. A couple of months later, I learned about all this from my friends, they said that this young man really liked me, but he was upset by my inaccessibility. I was very surprised then, because I didn’t notice anything like that at all. Remember how in “Office Romance” Alisa Freindlich looked at the picture above her secretary’s chair and lamented the fact that she “didn’t see anything” before. That’s how I am. Remembering the one who turned out to be courting me a couple of months ago, I decided to talk to him more closely. It so happened that our acquaintance led to a fairly close relationship and life together. I didn’t yet dare to move to him completely, but I planned to do it. We were happy with everything about each other, we had common interests, common goals, good sex and common plans for a future together. Since we had been living openly for six months and nothing had happened, I went to see an obstetrician-gynecologist. She took tests for infections, hemostasis, hormones, and an ultrasound examination. The results did not give cause for serious concern, since I only had one infection and everything else was fine. But if my period was late, I needed to immediately visit the doctor and get tested again. The doctor prescribed me some kind of preparatory treatment, mainly all sorts of vitamins, which I took regularly. Also, I was instructed to measure my basal body temperature in order to calculate fertile days and create an ovulation schedule for each cycle. I did all this for another two or three months, and then... I got pregnant. The story of the heroine. Uterine pregnancy 3-4 weeks As soon as I found out about the pregnancy, I immediately rushed to the clinic to see my doctor for new valuable instructions. I took most of the tests again and went for an ultrasound examination. Conclusion: Uterine pregnancy 3-4 weeks. HURRAY! The doctor prescribed therapy for me just in case and said that she would adjust it at the next appointment, after receiving the test results. I was very happy, the future seemed bright to me, since we submitted an application to the registry office, I was already packing my bags to move to
