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What time do you live in? I’m not talking about war and peace, not about buckwheat and toilet paper, and not even about the year and the century. What time do we most often talk about the past, present, future? Have you noticed that sometimes there was a lot of argument or conversation days, months, or even years ago, and you still continue to think about it and conduct an internal dialogue, although it has long become a monologue. What and with whom are you really talking? Who and what are you trying to prove and tell? Does anyone even hear you? The event happened a long time ago, and you think you did the right thing or the wrong thing. What if they had acted differently, or said something differently than they said. Something didn’t go as it turned out... Or maybe there, in the past. change something? No you can not. Then, having concluded, you need to move on. Because you can and know how. Another option is the future. Now, if... and thoughts rushed away like black horses into the future, distant or not so distant. But often it’s dreamy and bright. And we begin to fantasize. Dreams are a good thing, but sometimes they take you so far from reality. that I don’t even want to return to reality. We dream, we fantasize, but what has changed in life? In therapy, such clients talk about anything, but not about their problems and experiences. feelings. Often they do not even realize what they are feeling. They “escape” from the present to the past or future. It is difficult for them to realize themselves here and now. Realize and feel the taste of real life. Pros and cons of today. The phrase “stop a moment, you are beautiful” is not familiar to them. . Without realizing the present, they cannot live in it or work with it. One of the main principles of a psychologist’s work is “here and now.” During work, the psychologist often turns to the client with a request to determine how he feels, what is happening to him and around him at the given moment. When a person begins to truly be aware of himself and his actions at each moment, he can see how and what difficulties he himself faces. he creates himself and how they can be solved. In order to regain contact with your present, you need to ask yourself questions: What do I want now? How do I feel now? What am I doing now to achieve my goal? “The past is no longer there. The future has not yet arrived. There is only the present” (F. Perls). By learning to live here and now, you will learn to manage your life and enjoy today.
