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From the author: Why don’t men like to talk about their feelings? Often, women’s request for consultation comes down to the fact that they literally want to know what’s going on in the head of their significant other floor. The latter literally put them into a stupor with their behavior, causing doubt in feelings and in relationships in general. As it turns out, women’s doubts are often fueled by the fact that men avoid talking about their feelings. When the conversation comes to this, the stronger sex takes a deep breath and changes the topic... Of course, this does not apply to all men. There are couples where everything happens exactly the opposite. And then it seems that the roles are reversed. She says, “Yes, everything is fine, nothing happened,” to which he replies with the question, “Don’t you love me anymore?” I want to make a reservation right away that this article does not claim to be the ultimate truth, but is intended to help “get into a man’s head” to answer the question why he doesn’t like to discuss feelings so much. In principle, it is difficult for men to describe their feelings. After all, this is not taught either at school or at college. I don’t remember a similar topic for an essay or term paper where you would need to seriously and in detail describe your feelings, especially those related to another person. And especially if this person is of the opposite sex. Women, by their nature, constantly “train”, talking about their feelings, emotions, mood. For them it is more natural than for the stronger sex. The latter rarely develops such skills. For a man, talking about his feelings is a very unnatural and sometimes even stressful situation. Why experience stress once again if there is an opportunity to avoid it? Fear of appearing weak. Continuing from the previous point, you can see a picture where a man stumbles, trying to find the right words, and his other half offers several explanations for what he feels, falling into one of the options exactly. The representative of the stronger sex does not feel like one at the moment. He is embarrassed, confused, experiencing something that he cannot really explain, but here they “help” him, putting into verbal form what is happening in the inner world. The man immediately feels weak, since he is being helped in such a seemingly simple matter. And what could be worse than this? Avoiding criticism and conflict. Talking about your feelings requires a little more than discussing the latest movie, show or last party. Here you need to open up to the fullest. In previous paragraphs we talked about why this is so difficult. But even if a man dared to open up, this is still far from a reason to celebrate victory and praise himself for his courage. Because what he brought to the surface could become a reason for criticism or even a scandal. For this reason, men prefer to remain silent about something, expecting that it will not lead to anything good, and act on the principle from advertising “sometimes it’s better to chew than to talk.” The need to get over yourself and your ego often prevents men from opening up their feelings have a highly developed ego. As you know, it diligently monitors the maintenance of a high level of self-importance. But strong feelings and ego are incompatible. In relationships, you often have to step over yourself, sacrifice your own interests before the interests of the other. The stronger sex often needs to “make a sacrifice”, drowning out the annoying voice of the ego. This is very difficult, unnatural and associated with a lot of stress. A rational approach to feelings. And the last reason for the silence of men, which we will consider in this article, is rationalization. This was partly discussed above in the paragraph about avoiding criticism and conflict. The logical scales of the stronger sex often outweigh the emotional and sensual ones. Of course, they experience feelings, and often very strong ones, but they see no point in discussing all this. How they often offend their better halves by belittling the importance of the issue of feelings and values ​​in relationships and receiving the well-deserved “Are you not interested in me?”>>
