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Guilt is one of the most common emotional states we can experience. It can arise for a variety of reasons: from small everyday mistakes to serious violations of the law. Either way, guilt can have a significant impact on a person's life. First, guilt can be a powerful motivator for changing one's behavior. When we realize that we have done something wrong, our guilt motivates us to correct the situation. For example, if we have offended a friend, we may experience deep feelings of guilt and realize that we need to apologize and try to repair the relationship. It can help us become more considerate and caring. Secondly, guilt can lead to various health problems. If a person experiences guilt frequently, it can lead to anxiety, depression and other psychological problems. Because constantly feeling guilty can be very debilitating and place severe emotional and physical stress on the body. Third, feeling guilty can cause a person to avoid responsibility and hide from the problem. If a person experiences strong feelings of guilt, he may try to avoid responsibility for his actions, hide from people he has offended, or even walk away from his obligations. This can lead to more problems in the future and can cause distrust from others. If used as a signal for action and as an opportunity for personal growth, it can help a person become a better person and develop healthier relationships with others. To do this, you need to learn to correctly perceive and analyze feelings of guilt, separating them from neurotic ones (when there are feelings of guilt for everything), and also be able to forgive yourself for your mistakes. In order to avoid the negative consequences of feelings of guilt, you need to understand that no one is perfect and mistakes are made by everyone. It is important to admit your mistake, apologize if possible, and do everything possible to correct the situation. If a person cannot change the situation, then it is advisable to learn to forgive yourself and move on. In addition, it is important to understand that feelings of guilt are not always justified and corresponding to reality. Sometimes people feel guilty about something that they could not control or that was not their fault. In such cases, it is necessary to learn to distinguish between true (rational) and irrational guilt, so as not to burden yourself with unreasonable feelings. True guilt arises when a person has committed some undesirable action. This can and should be followed by punishment. Such an exaggerated feeling arises in childhood. The child blames himself for something that is not his fault and which he cannot influence in any way. For example, some children blame themselves for their parents’ divorce if adults were unable to properly convey to the child his innocence in what was happening. Also, if family members quarrel, the baby locks himself in his room and suffers from feelings of guilt, especially if he hears phrases about himself. For example, a mother may say emotionally: “We lived happily and peacefully before you were born.” Such statements lower the child’s self-esteem, he begins to blame himself for all the troubles, from which he suffers greatly. As a rule, a person carries such feelings into adulthood, because he gets used to living and perceiving the world around him this way. An adult with a guilt complex has difficulty building relationships and achieving professional success. He subconsciously considers himself a loser who will not succeed. Irrational guilt more often occurs in anxious individuals. The internal tension that arises in people with this problem is difficult to bear. Some people unconsciously give out anxiety in the form of guilt. An anxious person with neuroses more often than others experiences an irrational feeling of guilt. Signs of neurotic guilt: tension accumulates, fears increase; the subconscious draws the worst consequences +7(987)541-27-85
