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Fat is created after each meal from the carbohydrates and fats received. 70% of consumed carbohydrates enter the bloodstream and begin to be used as energy sources over the next 6 hours. The remaining 30% of carbohydrates are sent to fat cells, where, during the process of lipogenesis, they are converted into fat. Everything that enters the body is broken down into glucose. If there is a lot of food and the body cannot use up excess glucose, then glycerol phosphates are formed from glucose. On which free fatty acids are fixed, and these are triglycerides, that is, fat. On the membranes of fat cells there are alpha receptors, they are responsible for storing fat and beta receptors, they are responsible for spending. Ideally, the number of alpha receptors and beta receptors should be equal. However, some people have more of one or the other receptors from birth, while others change their ratio throughout their lives. And what is especially unpleasant is that the ratio changes in some parts of the body. For example, stress can lead to the “dying out” of receptors on the stomach, and then a tummy is formed. (It’s all from stress!). It turns out that the basis of extra “fat” kilograms is a violation of energy metabolism, which consists of: how much energy the body can take in; how much energy the body can store; how much energy will the body spend; How is the basis for extra “fat” kilograms created? More on this in the following articles. The energy balance you need. Lana
