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From the author: For parents to think aboutOf course, every baby faces aggression from the world. Painful sensations (hunger, cold and wet diapers, bloating, etc.) cause the child to rage, which is a signal that the world, so to speak, is not in perfect order. His furious cry is a call to the mother to do something to eliminate the unpleasant and annoying sensations. If everything goes well and the mother responds, then the child gradually learns to master aggressive impulses. It is no secret that each of us at one time or another in our lives experiences anger or even hatred towards someone, but this does not deprive a person of the ability to love. The tragedy is that people who have experienced chronic aggression tend to constantly react with hatred. Often, parents who experienced violence in childhood tend to suppress and repress normal negative emotions (anger, irritation) that may arise in interaction with children and consider them unacceptable. This repression results in an inability to recognize and respond to these emotions in constructive ways. The accumulation of these experiences can lead to poorly controlled outbursts of aggression towards the child, thereby causing him fear and a feeling of unpredictability of his parents, and therefore the world as a whole. A child can become withdrawn and fearful in the family, and bring out his aggression in interactions with other children (kindergarten, school). This means that he will have to again experience the aggression of adults who are dissatisfied with him: educators, teachers and other parents. Complaints about a child will cause retaliatory aggression from his parents, which will again be directed towards the child. And, of course, in such cases, psychological help is needed not only for the child caught in this vicious circle, but also for the parent whose traumatic experiences violate his own perception of the world. It is important that the space of psychological counseling becomes a safe place for parents and children, where they can give space to their feelings and emotions, express anger and aggression, realize and accept their experiences, gaining new healing experience. Author Petrova Veronica
