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Author: Vitaly Pichugin Source: http://www.nlplife.ru/ Most of humanity’s spiritual teachers were poor financially, but this does not mean that if there is no money, then a person has a direct path to spiritual teachers. You can refuse wealth based on your convictions, or you can be poor out of stupidity. Therefore, I consider it a great illusion that the poorer a person is, the richer his inner world. • It is not enough to be poor to become wise. Is it possible to combine money and spiritual wisdom, as well as spiritual enlightenment? While you are earning money, you have to deviate from the path of spiritual enlightenment. Big money is almost always involved in crime and blood. In the 90s, our oligarchs regularly shot at each other, and now they are strangling their competitors with criminal cases and administrative resources. Sometimes they remember the experience of the 90s... When there is a lot of money, property, capital, it is also not easy to retain this wealth. There are many people seeking to take away and divide everything that has been acquired through exorbitant labor in showdowns, shootouts and other privatizations. • I believe that wolf wisdom appears on how to survive in a pack when dividing the prey. This is far from the enlightenment of Buddha or Mahatma Gandhi. On the other hand, a poor person thinks about one thing: where to get money for food, clothing, housing. Previously, slaves were paid just enough so that they would not die prematurely, but would work. Payment was food. Now the principle of formation of remuneration for labor has remained almost unchanged. People should have enough for food, clothing, housing. • Like slaves, the average poor person has one thought - to escape from the shackles of poverty to financial freedom. In battles for material wealth, there is no time to think about the soul. It turns out that the rich “will not enter the Kingdom of God,” and the poor have no time to think about it at all. Need to work. A creative perception of the world saves a person. Well, what poverty and wealth are are very relative concepts. Henry Thoreau left everything and went to live in the forest. In nature, in a wooden hut, I received my sight. • “A man’s wealth is measured by the number of things he can easily give up.” G. Thoreau He clearly borrowed this from Socrates. He also threw out the mug when he saw the boy scooping water with his palm and drinking from it. Then he said: “There are still so many things that I don’t need.” It can be formulated this way. There are no poor people. The rich is not the one who has a lot, but the one who does not need more. If you don’t need more, then you’re no longer poor. All that remains is to become enlightened. And this is what G. Thoreau and I think about the answer to the title of the article (although there is no question there). The richest person is the one whose joys require the least amount of money, and whose inner world requires the most knowledge, wisdom and understanding. When copying, a link to the site http://nlplife.ru/ is required.
