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As has long been known, the birth of a child in a family is one of the difficult periods in the life of a family. During this period, a restructuring of the roles of the spouses occurs, the woman turns from “wife” into “mom”, and the man from “husband” into “dad”, which leads to some confusion for both. In order for everything to return to normal, a little time is needed, during which time the spouses could learn these new roles and learn to interact with each other in a new way. For the first months of her life, the mother is completely absorbed in the baby, and all her attention belongs to her beloved child; she is going through a very difficult period of modifications, both external and internal. A huge amount of literature has been written about this. What about dad? Now let's talk about dad. A man is at work all day long, trying to provide his family with everything they need, as the family’s needs grow exponentially. Upon returning home, dad dreams of getting some rest, but, alas! There is a crying child at home, who either has a tummy ache, or is teething, or, God forbid, has runny nose. And his beloved woman, instead of meeting her beloved husband at the parade, as before, runs around in a robe or home clothes with a screaming lump in her arms, while asking to take out the trash, go to the store, holding out a scribbled piece of paper with a list of things and products that she urgently needed, wash dishes, iron diapers, bring a bottle, etc. Not to mention sex, which completely ceases to exist as a species)))) And, of course, a rare man will endure this... There are exceptions. But stubborn statistics claim that more than half of young fathers cannot withstand such a load and try to avoid all this: they begin to stay late at work more often, spend more time with friends, and sometimes go in search of new emotions and sensations. During this period, according to statistics, the risk of infidelity increases. Scandals and shouting appear, which also does not have the best effect on the climate in the family. It is very important here not to miss the moment of separation of husband from wife, and father from child. First of all: 1. Do not try to resolve the issue by shouting and reproaching, it is useless, it will only worsen your relationship, and you will become even more distant from each other. Try to find out everything in a calm manner, clearly expressing your thoughts without emotion and praising your spouse for their help and care. Tell your spouse that this is a very difficult period for both of you, you are both very tired, and you need to overcome this stage of life together.2. Try not to give your man a huge number of “tasks” that need to be completed around the house. Although this is also a difficult period for you, it will not last long, only for a while until your spouse gets used to the changed situation. Over time, you can gradually ask him to help you, to which he will be calm.3. Let your husband go to meet friends, go hunting or fishing, support his hobby, etc. He will be pleased that you think about him and understand how difficult it is for him. He will definitely appreciate this and next time he will try to help you, but with desire, and not under compulsion. 4. By the time your husband arrives, try to put the child to bed and prepare him a delicious dinner. If you still don’t have time to prepare a delicious dinner, cook something quickly, but set the table beautifully and get yourself in order. Breathe a breath of air into your relationship, go back to the time when you were together, at least for a couple of hours. 5. Ask your grandmothers or one of your relatives, or, if you have the opportunity, a nanny to sit at home with the baby in the evening so that you can go to the cinema or theater. A walk together without a baby will help you take your mind off household chores and feel free and in love for a while. 6. And finally, remember that sex still exists and is an integral part of life. intimate.
