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From the author: Another fiction story addressed to teenagers. Can be used as a metaphorical influence on insecure teenagers. In one of the small cities of our big country there is a very ordinary school. The school is just like a school, there is nothing special about it, ordinary classrooms, desks and chairs. But this school is notable for the fact that the hero of our story, Anvar, is studying in the 8th grade. Anvar was an ordinary student, studied above average, did well in some places, and did not strive to do well in others. He differed from the other boys in the class only in that he had no friends here. He was new and had been studying with these guys for less than a year. It was not easy for him to make friends - for the reason that he simply did not know how to do it. For some reason, it seemed to him that the guys from the class did not like him and did not accept him into their circle. From the very first days, he did not strive for communication, although he really wanted it internally. He often remembered his old friends with whom he studied earlier. But they lived far away, and he could not see them. It so happened that Anwar’s entire family moved to another area of ​​the city, and as a result, he had to change schools. This move had a very bad effect on Anwar, he did not want to go to the new school, he did not like everything about it. Although no, there was something that aroused his interest. The boys in the class had an interesting game that he had not played before. The game consisted of almost all the boys in the class collecting pictures from packets of corn flakes and exchanging them. But they didn’t just exchange them, they set their own rules, which Anvar did not yet fully know. And among the new classmates there was one who attracted special attention. He was a strong teenager with a very kind character. His name was Akhmet, he was the leader of the class. All the guys listened to him before doing anything, always waiting to see how he would react. Therefore, it was clear that Akhmet’s opinion played a primary role in the class. Anwar wanted to be like him in everything, to be as significant and important, but, alas, no one in the class paid attention to him. Day after day, Anwar watched the class and thought about only one thing, namely, how to win the favor of the guys. Whatever came to his mind, he dreamed of how he could prove himself in sports, how he would have a cool phone and everyone would want to be friends with him. Our hero had different thoughts in his head, but none of them stuck for long. However, it is worth noting that most of Anwar’s thoughts were aimed at the fact that his classmates themselves would show interest in him due to some vaguely understood reason. Anwar always seemed to think that if he had anything valuable, the boys from the class themselves would offer him their friendship, they will gather around him, that Akhmet will certainly want to be friends with him, thereby raising his authority. So day after day passed, but nothing changed significantly. Over time, Anvar began to notice that the guys from the class rarely turned to him, did not invite him to their games, and he had no choice but to sit in class during breaks and repeat his lessons. Of course, he didn’t like all this; it wasn’t very pleasant to realize that you had no friends in the class. To be fair, we also note that at his previous school Anvar also did not have many friends, and basically he only communicated with those who lived in the same house with him and whom he saw every day since kindergarten. The bitter truth was that Anvar simply could not make friends, although he himself did not think so and believed that it was all the fault of the boys who did not notice him. This is how our hero’s time passed, until that ill-fated day when Anwar decided to find money and buy various cards that the other children played with, and with the help of them gain Akhmet’s favor. Anvar understood that his parents would not give him money for such nonsense, as they believed, and he did not have his own. He knew well where the money was in the house, and knew that his parents did not count it, but took as much as they needed. This is how he decided to commit this crime, otherwiseYou can’t even call it that, because taking money without permission is deception, it’s a serious offense. Choosing a time when neither his parents nor his older sister were at home, Anvar opened the cabinet and saw that there were five bills of one thousand and three of five hundred rubles. There was still some small change lying around, but he didn’t count it and decided that he needed to take a thousandth bill, that it would be more unnoticeable, and with a thousand you could buy a lot of interesting things. The very next day Anvar went to the store and bought half stolen money corn flakes. The saleswoman, although she complied with the boy’s request, still asked why he needed so much, since he wouldn’t eat it all. And then Anwar had to lie to her and say that he was buying on behalf of the boys from the yard. Having received a large package with what he had purchased and five hundred and twenty rubles in change, Anvar headed to the courtyard of a multi-story building under construction nearby. It was a holiday and there were no workers, which suited the requirements of our ill-fated hero. Entering one of the entrances, Anvar noticed boxes of some building materials lying on the floor. Sitting down on one of them, he opened the first pack and pulled out a picture with a transformer. His joy knew no bounds, it was Optimus Prime himself, about whom he knew that this was one of the most valuable pictures and could be exchanged for two others. Anwar was inspired, he wanted to open all the packs as quickly as possible, but he had to eat corn sticks, of which there were quite a few in the pack. As he put them in his mouth, Anwar thought about what cards might be in the rest. In the end, curiosity took over, and the boy began to open all the packs, one after another. Whatever he came across, there were both very rare and common ones, some were repeated, in general, the collection was motley. Having opened everything in this way and received all sixteen cards, Anvar sat a little longer, ate, but, realizing that he couldn’t eat everything, and the traces of the crime had to be hidden, he hid all the packs in a box, covered it with others and hurried back. The very next day Anwar came to school full of hope that all the boys would be friends with him. Having waited for a change, our would-be hero approached Akhmet and said: “Here, look what I have for you,” Anvar extended his hand, “take it.” In the open hand was the very first card with Optimus Prime. - Wow, great! - Akhmet exclaimed. “I’ve been wanting one like this for a long time, especially a new one, thank you.” “No problem, I still have others,” Anvar, overwhelmed with joy, did not let up. “Where did you get so much?” “Yes, I collected it,” Anvar hesitated a little, “not it’s important, choose which ones you want. “Cool, come with us,” Akhmet called, “now we’ll play with the guys.” “But I don’t know the rules.” “What do you know, now you’ll quickly master it.” Having chosen three more cards, Akhmet hurried into the corridor where other boys were already playing. He quickly brought everyone up to speed, and the guys accepted the newcomer into their game, explaining the rules along the way. That day and the next few, Anwar was overjoyed. Akhmet called him with him everywhere and even chose him on his team during physical education. But this did not last long, a few more days passed - and everything returned to its place. Anvar kept waiting for the guys to invite him to their game, but they did not invite him more often than before, or rather, they did not invite him at all, and few people played cards anymore; everyone was captivated by the new game, siskin. It was a very interesting and active game, you had to use a large stick to throw the small one as far as possible, and then count the points. Due to the fact that Anwar was not invited to play, he did not know all the rules, although he felt that the game was very exciting. So, one day, Anwar was walking home without a mood, which, however, was often, past a house under construction. He heard a conversation between two workers: “Can you imagine, I lift a box, and under it there are several packs of corn sticks,” he said.
