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I recently read a line from Horace: “Control your mood, for if it does not obey, then it commands.” An integral part of our mood is emotions, now about them , I’ll try it basicly and quickly. Emotions are one of the seven spheres of our psyche, which “lives” in the brain, more specifically, in the limbic system (this is the collective name for some brain structures), which receives all information from the environment and our body. Know emotions , being able to distinguish and control them is important because they influence our worldview/self-perception, they regulate our lives and help structure our experience. We have the opportunity to control them (and then either you are them, or they are you). By “us” I mean everyone who does not have a diagnosed personality disorder of any kind, then the skill of emotional self-regulation suffers, of course. The first is the functions that emotions perform, there are three of them: signaling, regulatory, communicative. Signaling. In negative cases, the emotion says “run away from this, it will harm you!” In positive cases, on the contrary, “come on, get closer to this!” This is a signal function of emotion. Regulatory. These emotions regulate the tension we experience. They regulate our lives, helping us not to burn out. Communicative. By expressing emotions, we give another person, all the people around us, important and valuable information about our well-being, and not only. We have eight basic emotions: There are five negative ones:⁃ anger,⁃ sadness,⁃ anxiety,⁃ shame and guilt, ⁃ disgust. These emotions (like positive ones) are useful and necessary for us; they are called negative only because they tell us that the event that caused them is unpleasant for us. Three positive emotions:⁃ joy,⁃ love,⁃ interest. (love - not a basic, but a complex emotion, but I’ll write it down) Now, in more detail, what each specific emotion signals: Anger. She suggests that now there is a situation where someone is violating our boundaries or our needs are not being met. Sadness. It tells us that we have lost something, there has been a separation from an object that is important to us, we have lost some resource and it is important to restore it, perhaps we have lost some illusions. Shame and guilt. Tells us that we did something bad, messed up, and it is important not to do this again in the future, because our relationships with loved ones, as a result of this, worsen. In general, these two emotions are slightly different from each other; shame is more of a social story, which cannot be resolved with an apology, like guilt. These emotions developed during human evolution and are present in each of us from birth, which is why they are called basic. Even animals have them. .As for managing emotions, this includes three steps:⁃ Understand what kind of emotion is being experienced now, identify, distinguish it from others, name it.⁃ Realize it here and now, that is, understand what situation caused this emotion, what it is like for us evoked thoughts about what physical reactions we are experiencing at this moment, and how we are going to act under the influence of this emotion. This allows us not to act impulsively.⁃ Be able to express emotion.
