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It is not always possible to cope with difficulties on your own and we turn to you for help. But...Not everyone needs help. Sometimes it’s better to pass by and leave a person with a problem for some more time, so as not to make it worse for yourself and for him. For a long time I lived under the motto “I’m on my own!” and I still sometimes go with this slogan, I really like it))) But there are situations when this position does not work. And without outside help it’s impossible to resolve it in any way and I turn to different specialists. However, I was not always ready to accept real help. I would like to draw your attention to an important point. Let me explain with the example of a parable: One wise man and his disciples walked from one village to another and saw picture. A man tries to independently pull out a bull that has fallen into a hole, but to no avail. The man clearly lacks strength, although he tries very hard. The sage gave the task to the students to help pull out the bull. Together they did it. A similar picture continues. The bull is in a hole, and the owner of the bull sits on the edge of a cliff and cries, complaining about fate, that it is not fair to him. The sage looked at the man and moved on. The students began to ask: “How is this possible? Why did we help one person, and left the second to suffer without help?” To which the sage replied: “You can only help a person in his activities. If the first man was dragging the bull, then we helped him drag it. The second was busy with self-flagellation and complaints about fate. How could we help him? Sit next to him and help him cry and suffer more?” We draw conclusions: If you need help, you understand that you yourself are not taking the “bull out of the pit,” then feel free to seek this help, contact specialists in the area in which the problem arose or difficulty. We cannot know everything and be able to do everything. This is why we are so different and unique, to help each other live and develop. At the same time, act actively yourself, and do not wait for someone to solve everything for you without your participation. If you want to help someone, then first think about whether you will really help, or whether you will do everything only on your own for another person, and he will stand on the sidelines, or worse, whine and devalue your help. When we completely do something for other people, even with the best intentions, we deprive them of development. In working with me, even in one strategic session, with the client’s desire to solve the problem, we can together pull the “bull out of the hole” Sign up for a strategic session on WhatsApp +7(915)745-40-68
