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An identity crisis is a special process in our lives associated with the formation of a person’s personality and finding one’s place in society. Throughout our lives, we go through several developments, in each of which a kind of crisis will await us. How can you help yourself and your loved ones survive this crisis? How to determine when the turning point has come? During a period of identity crisis, a person very often experiences a change in values ​​and priorities in life. We begin to change internally, we begin to perceive ourselves and the world around us differently. It is during this period that it is very important that a person listens to himself and does not succumb to the opinions of others! How to find and not lose yourself during this period? Here are 6 ways to do this! Listen to your opinion! Your opinion about yourself will always be the most important and necessary for you! Listen to your own opinion first, what matters is what you think about this, and only then trust others! Determine your life goals Your life goals may change over time, this is normal. Identify your current global and non-global goals to become more intentional. Always look forward to your goals, even if now it seems to you that there is only fog ahead! Praise yourself for striving for something. You don’t have to break records and be the smartest person on Earth. If you decide to start a business, praise yourself for the idea of ​​​​taking on such a difficult task. You went and registered an individual entrepreneur - praise yourself, this is already a considerable step towards achieving your goal! Defend your own interests. Only you can decide what inspires you and what you always want to do. Do not rely on the advice of friends who say that your business has no future! Believe me, most likely, they themselves do not understand what they are saying! Don’t give in to negative emotions An identity crisis comes to everyone, although it happens to each person at their own specific time. But a crisis is not a reason to “hang” us, but on the contrary, it is a reason to become stronger and more active! If you are actively struggling with an identity crisis or your loved ones are experiencing it themselves, know that any crisis ends, the only important thing is whether you learn You have important lessons and experience! Sincerely, Your psychotherapist, coach, interpersonal relationship consultant, Ilya Akhmedov.
