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Art therapy is a method that allows you to create an object during a therapeutic session that will help the client see his problem from the outside and take part in its discussion. This allows the client and therapist to interact through an art product that is created with a specific purpose, while at the same time expressing the client's feelings and sensations at the moment. Creative adaptation, as a necessary condition of our life, in the therapy space becomes the main form of interaction between session participants, revealing the client’s unconscious desires and feelings. I want to introduce you to a work called "Self-Portrait". You can try to make it yourself. To do this, you will need an easel and a variety of creative materials: marker, pastel or wax crayons, magazines for collage, paints, colored pencils or markers, glue, scissors and any materials for additional decoration. As well as whatman paper, buttons and a table or portable lamp. To create the drawing you will need an assistant. Your actions:1. Cut whatman paper to the size of the easel and attach it to it with buttons.2. Turn off the lights or close the curtains so that there is no light in the room.3. Sit on a chair in front of the easel and turn to it in profile. 4. Turn on the lamp and direct it in such a way that the shadow of your profile is placed on a sheet of whatman paper.5. Ask your assistant to carefully trace your profile along this shadow with a marker. This will be the beginning of creating your portrait. Now look carefully at the drawing and think about how and with what you want to fill its space, using the means and methods that suit you best. And do it without limiting yourself. When your portrait is finished, you can ask your assistant to give you feedback and share your thoughts and feelings. I would like to give an example of a self-portrait of Anna, a 50-year-old woman, with her consent. The name has been changed. Anna is a very sociable and friendly woman who is always ready to help and support others. Cheerful and positive. She is a singer and performs in a group and in solo concerts. Anna came to me because she regularly had headaches and high blood pressure. Demonstrating her self-portrait, Anna drew my attention to the black butterfly that was located on her forehead and said that this was anger, rage. which she keeps to herself. Her work helped her realize what exactly was causing her negative feelings and express them. Anna allowed herself to be different in her relationships with people and her health problems disappeared. The creative process is a certain state. which can become one of the ways to express your feelings in order to realize them and, if necessary, transform them. Art therapy is a good opportunity to understand what is unnecessary and what is missing for us. Create for your health!
