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From the author: How can a woman become happier? A woman receives the greatest suffering if she does not fulfill women’s duties. And this is not only washing and cleaning. This is a life filled with the meaning of discovering femininity in oneself. With Love, Olga Markova, practical psychologist, 27 years of experience in family life, practical work experience since 1999. “It’s morning, it’s still dark, I didn’t want to get up, I didn’t have the strength, I was very tired yesterday, I went to bed late, I didn’t have time to cook lunch, I need to Still preparing breakfast. While everyone is sleeping, I’ll do some gymnastics - it will take 15-20 minutes, but I don’t want to, because... no forces. I wander around the apartment, come to my senses, look around the room - unironed linen, water the flowers, and suddenly an uncontrollable desire to iron the linen appears. I move the iron along the board. The pillowcase is ready, here’s another one, a shirt, a sheet... I clearly understand that the morning frown has gone, my shoulders straightened, music started playing inside, I began to rejoice in my mood. I have the strength to do gymnastics, prepared a delicious breakfast, and continue to smile. It’s a great day!” Why is a woman supposed to put things in order, clean, wash, iron, put away, cook? For a woman, constantly thinking is harmful, even dangerous. Being strong mentally and racking your brain to find a solution is not a woman’s task. This takes a lot of energy, because male energy comes into play, which blocks the production of female hormones that can make a woman beautiful, sweet, soft. A woman becomes tender, glowing from within, when she does something with joy and love, cleans the house, He does something with his hands, washes, makes crafts. This immerses the woman in the body, not in the head, forming a feminine type of energy. The feminine nature inside is created by any procedures that other people perform on your body, hair, hands. Women's peace becomes greater when your hands massage your loved one or braid your daughter's hair. At this time, the female mind calms down, the body begins to take care of itself or take care of others. The woman dissolves in the process, and therefore the mind slows down. Several thoughts are swarming in a woman’s head at once, which means a lot of things to do. A tangle of thoughts creates chaos in the head. Thoughts set the speed of the body, from which the woman becomes confused and panicked. “How to manage everything?” Nature has thought out everything for us - go into the “body.” Have you noticed yourself that sometimes you just want to go and dance or immediately go into the forest. A blissful female state comes when daydreaming and the desire to contemplate, sing, and dance are turned on. This is the work of the body, not the mind. How to teach a woman to walk slower? Very simple! To do this, you need to tell yourself: “I am the Queen!” As you know, queens do not run after minibuses, they smoothly carry their body, feeling how their back is held, how their leg steps, how good it is in the reflection of stained glass windows. It is typical for the female energy type to be slow and easy. It is typical for the male type of energy to strive for results, follow the guide, see the goal, conquer peaks, and perform feats. We modern women have entered the race for survival on an equal basis with men. We go to the gym, drive, argue with our husband, boss, children, proving to the whole world that we are right. By doing this, women immediately turn their husbands into guilty ones, children into disobedient ones, relatives and bosses into forever in debt to them. Smile, bake pies, wash the floor with your hands, replant flowers, dig in the ground, embroider, go for walks, dance, do strip plastic . In a word, initiate women's affairs and body work. Remember the words of the great Coco Chanel: “If you want to have something that you have never had, start doing something that you have never done.” Your husband will get a star from the sky for you only when you You will become the one who will give wings to fly after her. Love yourself and your loved ones.
