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From the author: You can sign up for a consultation by phone: 8(906)647-87-70 Differences in psychological qualities in people of different sexes began to stand out relatively recently, especially in domestic psychology .Femininity and masculinity traits in the modern world are observed in both sexes. Masculine (masculine) men are insensitive, energetic, ambitious and free. Masculine women have a strong will, tend to compete with men and claim their place in the profession and society. Feminine (feminine) men are sensitive, value human relationships and achievements of the spirit, and often belong to the world of art. Feminine women are a type of “ideal” woman, distinguished by endurance, fidelity and lack of selfishness. In their pure form, masculinity and femininity are not often found. The most common combination of male and female characteristics in the personality of one person. By the way, this psychological trait helps to better adapt to living conditions. It is obvious that a man can have a feminine character, and a woman can behave like a man. Let's talk a little about the psychological differences that undoubtedly exist between the sexes from birth. Women have a more developed aesthetic taste, their speech is better developed, and their vocabulary is wider. They are more adaptive and educated. Men, on the other hand, have better mathematical and mechanical abilities, are more intelligent, resourceful, and inventive. Men are characterized by a wider scope of activity, flexibility of thinking, and high speed of operations when carrying out objective activities. And women are distinguished by their ease of entering into social contacts, increased sensitivity and attention to the perception of details. Men are active, women are sensitive, receptive. A profession, like many other things, puts forward objective requirements for the qualities of a person who can be considered either suitable or unsuitable for performing a given activity. Women are able to more subtly sense people's attitudes towards each other. This makes it possible to predict the actions of the interlocutor. It’s easy to find a common language with everyone. Women are attentive to details and also know how to listen carefully, which helps them understand the motives of their interlocutor. When communicating with other people, their innate emotionality is irreplaceable. Thus, male and female groups differ greatly in their professional affiliation; in addition, highly intelligent and well-educated women have been found to score more masculine compared to gender norms. And men who have developed side interests of cultural or artistic content demonstrate more feminine indicators compared to other men. The formation of a person as a professional, his choice of profession has certain motives and most often is not accidental. Life attitudes determine the range of professions that a person will ultimately choose. Professional self-determination is more in the nature of personal development than simply mastering a profession, expressing social and emotional needs. Today, women work and make careers on an equal basis with men. The field of psychology is no exception. However, it happens that the following questions arise. Who is better - a man or a woman? Which psychologist should I go to? Who is more successful? When choosing a psychologist, first of all you should listen to your feelings. For some, a female psychologist will be suitable and their joint work will be extremely productive, while others will feel more comfortable with a male psychologist. How successful the interaction between the client and the therapist (psychotherapist) will be depends on a number of factors. Firstly, the creation of a trusting relationship between the psychologist and the person receiving psychological help. This task is handled by a specialist. Whether you can open up and trust depends on his professional competence. Secondly, your relationship will be affected.
