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Friends! Have you ever wondered why some of us, having conceived some grandiose (or not so grandiose) project, and even created some kind of plan for its construction, never move on to its practical implementation, remaining, as before, supposedly active, but doing nothing? making thinkers? Or even passive dreamers? (“Classic” Manilov, remember?). And, of course, I’m unlikely to be original here if I say that behind this behavior is the notorious personal passivity. The psychological reasons for which were revealed in the theory of passivity of the Schiff school. According to this theory, any person on the external level who wants to change something in his life, and on the internal level (in fact, not even striving for this) unconsciously does everything so as not to achieve and will not even come close to the “stated” goal. And such a person demonstrates the following types of behavior: Doing nothing; Over-adaptation; Agitation (agitation); Violence; Helplessness. And now let’s reveal each: So, the basis of doing nothing is the lack of responsibility for one’s life through a reluctance to grow up and current (unprocessed) “childhood problems.” With over-adaptation, which is highly approved and encouraged by society, a person does not try to achieve his goals, since he very energetically achieves the goals of the environment (“Others expect from me not this, but that!”, “Mom wanted me to be a pianist...”, “The party needs …" etc.). But, living for others, a person does everything not to live for himself, which is why all desires to change something simply “drown” in the chaos of false goals... Agitation is presented as an inappropriate, but emotionally charged activity or activity. This is when people do not do something useful for themselves, but only what they like or are simply satisfied with. An example would be crowds of fans of a “star”, fans who are carried away and headlong, immersed in some teaching, dedication, etc., leading away from real life. As a result of passivity, a person accumulates quite a lot of energy, which there is nowhere to release and, as a result, violence arises - aggressive actions aimed at anyone (anything) chosen for the role of “scapegoat”. And judging by the number of road showdowns, family squabbles, fights and other things, we can say that this is the second form of manifestation of passivity after doing nothing. Recently, another form of passive behavior has flourished in full bloom - helplessness, which is also a type of violence, but is not addressed out and in. That is, if you cannot, for example, rape someone from your environment, you will regularly rape yourself and only yourself. This is how our passivity is represented. But what to do? Seek help from a specialist, but if this is not possible, then at least come to the conclusion that you have stopped and are stuck at some level of existence that does not suit you very much. In general or in specific areas of your life: health, relationships, love, sex, work, material well-being. Exercise: Try to determine which types of passivity are most characteristic of you: Doing nothing; Over-adaptation; Agitation (agitation); Violence; Helplessness. Think, Considering the consequences for effective functioning, shouldn’t you seek therapy or, at worst, start daily monitoring and realizing the reasons for your passivity?…
