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Donald Woods Winnicott is famous not only as a psychotherapist and scientist, but also for his invention of the projective method of drawing “doodles.” He used it with great success in the diagnosis and psychotherapy of children and adults in a wide variety of situations and cases. Here is one of them: This material has not yet been presented in Russian. This is my translation from English. "Albert" - 7 years 9 months This boy hated his brother. In this case there was no preliminary discussion. He came straight to me while his mother and brother were driving around in the car, trying to park it. Previously, in a letter, my mother had told me that Albert was developing quite satisfactorily, except for some difficulties, which included nightmares, as well as preoccupation with thoughts of good things and bad. “He's almost completely hassle-free.” It was obvious that the doodle game could be applied in this case, so we immediately started it. (1) Mine, which he turned into a duck. He told me about his family. Brother 8 years old 9 months. Albert 7 years 9 months. Sister 5½ years. Brother 3½ years. About school he said: it's funny that recently he was the oldest in elementary school, and now he is the youngest in high school. He sat on the blue adult chair , which I set up for him, and I sit on the children's chair, which I use because it is so convenient to write notes on the couch. He paused to say: “You better sit on the blue chair, because the small chair is uncomfortable for you.” So we changed chairs. This precaution, although pleasant, seemed to me to be associated with the words “completely hassle-free.”(2) Him. I turned her into a flower. He said he could make it into a sea. I realized it was an important topic and wondered how this doodle could be made into a sea. (3) Mine, which he turned into an illustration for a story. At the top of the doodle was a metal man. Below in the sea that he added to the cliff was Sir Lancelot fighting with King Arthur. Anyway, in this story, a metal man falls off a cliff and kills someone, and beats a man who drops out of this war. At that moment I concluded that there must be something special about this sea, hills and mud, since they were not part of the scribble, but the idea was persistent. I had no idea what these things meant to him.(4) Him, which he turned into two people running away “from a huge monster.”(5) He wanted to make a drawing. It was an airplane. From the idea of ​​a monster, I tried to move on to dreams. We talked about them and he reported bad dreams. But it wasn't long before he was talking about playing with his older cousin, who seemed gender-ambiguous, as if she wanted to be a boy. His sister also said that she wanted to join the army. She said that girls fight and that if she were a boy, she would take up boxing at school. She wants to box because she is good at it. He then gave her a consolation prize and said, “but she can really take up ballet.” They played dress up a lot, his sisters liked to be princesses or fairies. Someone said she should be placed on top of a tree in Trafalgar Square. He dresses up as anyone, “but I wasn’t a dragon yet.” He was a giant and a prince, and then he became immersed in the idea of ​​dressing up as a girl, illustrating this.(6) This is the view from the back, with the cloth over his head. The buttons on a blouse are at the back because it's wrong. He carries a net. This seemed quite important. “You throw it on somebody and then you put them in the closet.” He started talking about cooking fish, meaning that people caught were kept in a cold pantry until the next meal. This idea seemed related to the idea of ​​dressing up as a woman.(7) He wanted to draw this on the back of drawing #6 because it is the front of the figure. Patched blouse. It's worn. You can see the skirt, he said, with legs sticking out. "It's me
