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“Brain Gymnastics” by Paul and Gail Dennison is a complex that is aimed at self-healing of the “body-intelligence” system; this is a set of integrated exercises aimed at tuning the system. Everything in our body is interconnected, so any changes affect all areas of life. For example, if water balance is restored in the body, then a person feels much better. Or if a person has a positive attitude towards the perception of people, the weather, the situation in the family, at work, etc., then his mood is not so easy to spoil. In educational kinesiology, everything is aimed at training and correcting the “body-intelligence” system. And since the “Brain Gymnastics” complex is a direct tool of educational kinesiology, it also corrects the “body-intelligence” system. This complex includes exercises that form a positive perception of the surrounding reality in a person. A person’s energy resource is maintained by water balance, and the activation of the entire “body-intelligence” system promotes active human actions. Exercise No. 1 - drink water Water is necessary to normalize the level of fluid in the body, a person’s condition depends on the water level, lack of water reduces energy, causes fatigue and lethargy of the body. Exercise No. 2 - “Brain Buttons” Body position: one hand on the navel, with the other hand do a light massage on the sternum, the first pits below the collarbones. (Do the exercise while standing or sitting). Exercise No. 3 - “Cross crawls” or “Cross crawls” steps “Bend the left leg at the knee, and the right arm at the elbow, move the bent arm down to the knee, and lift the bent leg at the knee up until the knee and elbow meet, and do the same with the right leg and left arm. Perform the exercise for at least 5 -10 times with both legs at a slow pace. Exercise No. 4 - “Dennison Hook” (eyes up) Body position: extend your arms in front of you, point your thumbs down, cross your arms, join your hands in a “lock”, turn the “lock” downwards , place it on the sternum below shoulder level, rest your tongue on the hard palate, cross your legs at the ankles, dream, think about good things or imagine a beautiful picture. (Do the exercise while standing or sitting). Exercise No. 5 - “Dennison Hook” (eyes down) Body position: legs slightly apart, hands connected in a boat (little finger to little finger, etc.), without connecting palms, tongue pressed to the hard palate , dream, think about good things or imagine a beautiful picture. (Do the exercise standing or sitting). Exercise No. 6 - “Pinocchio” or (“Puppet”) (the exercise is performed before bed) Imagine a doll with a doll tied to its left knee and left hand thread, the same on the right side, when the puppeteer pulls the thread up, the hand rises up, the leg bent at the knee also rises up. Do the exercise alternately: left hand - left leg, then right hand - right leg. Perform the exercise at least 5-10 times. There are some specific points in “Brain Gymnastics” so that the “body-intelligence” system does not fail. The exercises, as the author says, must be brought to automaticity, i.e. perform for a long time. In our Center we offer to perform a set of exercises from six months to several years.
