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Sometimes it seems that changes in therapy (or just in life) happen too slowly. We are faced with the same sensitive topics in relationships again and again, we step on the same rake again. Sometimes even partners change, but our reactions to some events remain the same, our inner world remains the same. We cannot cope with these reactions, they destroy our relationships and us. We would like the changes to come much faster and we would not have to face these unpleasant feelings again. Simply wanting does not mean getting changes. This is not a fairy tale, this is life. Nothing happens here by magic. You have to make an effort, use your moral or volitional qualities. We use willpower when we want to give up on everything and start doing things the old way again. The old way is always easier and more familiar than the new way. Doing things the old way is comfortable for us and our psyche. An inner voice constantly whispers to us: “Why do you need all this new stuff, go to bed, rest, turn on the series. You don’t need to do any new actions.” If desire could cure painful relationships, negative and destructive reactions, all people would live like in a fairy tale : happily ever after. This doesn't happen in life. What works in real life is understanding yourself, your behavior patterns, the experience that your parents passed on to you and constantly trying to do things differently. Analysis and attempts again. This is how change happens. This is very brief. Often all areas of our lives require changes. It takes time. It is known that every great journey begins with the first step. The first step and each subsequent step bring more and more changes to your life. A new life brings satisfaction and joy. My life is too valuable for me to put off changes until tomorrow. I'm ready to enjoy it today. Today is a good day for changes. Today I will make every effort to live, experience life and be able to act creatively and in a new way..
