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Anima and Animus were understood by Jung in various works as archetypes, i.e. patterns of behavior embedded in the collective unconscious and as personal mental content. Modern Jungian authors understand by anima and animus rather a set of personal expectations, mental attitudes, projections belonging to a particular person, which are attributed to the opposite sex. How anima influences a man: in the power of the mother image The primary anima is closely related to the internal image of the mother. In his book AION, Jung describes common male projections - men with a passive “baby-like” Eros, who dreams of plunging into some enveloping, nourishing, safe mother’s womb. Such expectations can be projected onto a real mother or onto the image of a future woman who should appear in his life. Jung mentions that often a real mother is next to such a man, subconsciously preventing him from growing up. A man is afraid to step into an uncomfortable and frightening world for him, where he is required to show masculinity, to fight for what is his, for what does not fall into his hands, but resists. In the depths of this man lives the conviction that happiness can only be received as a gift from the mother. The archetypal basis of such a union of mother and son has deep roots and is illustrated in many myths. However, it is important to remember that the inner female image belongs to the man himself, it is his own part of the psyche, although it is rooted in the collective unconscious. As a result, anima gives rise to many projections: for example, a man may consider all women to be domineering and devouring like his overprotective mother, or dissolute, or helpless. If we talk about the manifestations of Anima, Maria Louise Von Franz, one of the classic Jungian authors, also identifies four stages of its development: Maternal - a dream of maternal love, comfort, peace. Erotic - a rough, primitive aspect, often manifested in the form of spontaneous love, sensual passion. Achieving harmony between the mind and internal values, knowledge of one’s soul. Numinous experience of unity with one’s subconscious, with the highest transpersonal center when the Anima mediates between the Ego and the Self. A Woman and Her Animus Similarly, for a daughter, the first object for projections is the father, just as the mother is for a boy. Jung, which is typical for that time and his somewhat sexist views, attributes to Anime a relationship with Eros, and Animus with Logos. Further, Jung argues that the Animus turns women into stubborn arguers, which looks ridiculous. Anime Jung attributes the poison of “illusion and temptation”, and the Animus as the “sword of power”. Of course, his views are conditioned by his own cultural and social limitations. Considering the positive aspects of the Anima and Animus Archetypes, Jung writes that the latter is an intermediary between consciousness and subconscious in the formation of abstract philosophical and religious ideas, the ability for self-knowledge and reflection. Anima gives a man's consciousness the ability to enter into relationships. Ego consciousness tends to fall under the influence of the archetypes of Anima and Animus. The modern understanding of the animus is the personal mental content of a woman, the image of a man that exists within herself. The animus becomes the source of many projections that are attributed to men: for example, women often project their own ambition, activity, aggression, independence, autonomy, or, conversely, infantilism and dependence onto men. The result is numerous aspirations to “realize” through their partners: to make them more brutal, more successful, more perfect in all respects. Maria Louise Von Franz, an analyst and student of Jung, identified four stages of development of the Animus within a woman: Personification of physical strength in a male image. Ability to rationalize plan your actions. Ability to implement in the field of abstract and religious ideas. Higher.
