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From the author: Time affects everything we do in this life. Time perspective (in the text "TP") is the study of how we divide the flow of human experience into different time zones automatically and subconsciously. These segments vary in different cultures, different religions, climate zones, and different people. They acquire one or another shade when using some segments and not using others. Time perspective (hereinafter referred to as VP) is the basis for many psychological phenomena and constructs, some of them would not exist without VP. These are, for example, phenomena such as: The need for fulfillment Causal thinking Feeling of guilt Hope We will try to trace how EP influences feelings of guilt, success, etc. EP has a huge, pervasive effect on a person, for this reason it is important for psychologists to study EP. There is an assumption that EP affects the fate of the nation, so sociologists and other scientists must study it more deeply. It is noteworthy that VP affects different people in different ways, which is why it is difficult to understand its significance and understand the enormous significance that VP has on our lives. First, let's look at what images people have when they are told about time perspective. For example, the image of an hourglass, where the sand at the top of the clock is the “future”, at the bottom is the “past”, and in the narrow part of the clock between them is the “present”. Zimbardo's students proposed the image of a cigarette, where the ash is the “past”, the “present” is the smoke, and the future is the remainder of the cigarette, as well as a possible diagnosis of cancer, which smoking leads to. Another student suggested the image of circles, the largest circle in the center is the present, a series of small circles to the right of the large circle is the future, a series of gradually increasing circles to the left of the central one is the past. The present has the greatest meaning for him, since this is what we sense and feel, what fills life. Many businessmen see the image of a man carrying two bags on his shoulders, one of which is the “past” and the second is the “future”. The question arises, where is the third bag that would represent the “real”? Businessmen answer: “It doesn’t exist, because the present is not important, what is important is what we took from the past and will bring to the future. Unfortunately, such an extreme view is characteristic not only of businessmen, but also of many people. They do not know how to enjoy the present. During the day, we have to make many decisions: Stay in bed or go to a lecture (if you are a student) Write a testimonial or watch a TV show (if you are a teacher) Do homework or go have fun (if you are a student) We make decisions all the time: To get married or not to get married To study or not to study To eat something sweet or something dietary. What influences our decision-making? If a decision is made in the situation of the present, focused on the rapid fulfillment of physiological needs, we call them present-oriented. If you are a diabetic and eat something sweet, you don’t think about the fact that you will feel sick later. Or when you have sex without a condom, you don't think about the diseases you might get. There is a type of people who always think about the past when making decisions. Such people are called past-oriented. The third type of people constantly expect consequences when making decisions, we call such people future-oriented. Both the past and the future are abstract concepts and exist only in our heads, these are psychological constructs. People who make decisions based on the past and future live in a world of abstractions, while only people who make decisions based on the present are aware of their body, reality, what is happening at the present moment. And the model proposed by Zimbardo is an infinite straight line, not divided into sections. A little about the history of how we begin to navigate through time. VP depends on culture, geographic location, climate, religion. For example, if you live inequator, then you are most likely focused on the present. Belonging to a social class also has a non-VP influence. People who are at a lower level of economic development are focused more on the past. Middle class – for now. People with high incomes are for the future. The level of education also affects VP. The higher your education, the more focused you are on the future. If you were born in a country that is economically unstable (in Russia the ruble exchange rate is constantly changing), you will not know what to focus on and will rather focus on the present. Social models also pay attention: family, friends, society. VP depends on age phases: when we are small, we think about the present, when old we think about the past. A number of professions are designed for people with a certain time orientation. Historians are focused on the past. Zimbardo says that these professions are a reward for having a certain type of VP. Everything that changes the state of consciousness - sex, alcohol, drugs - everything turns our VP towards the present. Psychologist Robert Levine wrote the book “The Geography of Time”. In it he argues that there is a territorial division in the feeling of VP. Southerners are more present-oriented. Northerners - for the future. For now, the question remains whether there are differences in VP between people living in Russian megacities - Moscow, St. Petersburg and people living in the provinces, as well as among people living in small towns and villages. The interest of Japan is interesting. The Japanese are very successful, they are focused on the future, but they also do not forget about their traditions and the past. After children in Japan graduate from day school, they go to night school, which prepares them for university entrance. But many teenagers rebel against such attitudes and begin to attend entertainment clubs and discos instead of attending evening schools. Here’s an example from one of the newspaper headlines: The new generation puts a barrier to the future in favor of the present.” The same situation exists in the USA in Southern California. Zimbardo calls this situation “Pure Hedonism”. The poor in the Bronx of New York are focused on the present, but it has a touch of “futurism”, since they do not expect anything good from the future, relying on negative experiences of the future. Another important aspect that influences in VP it is religion. R.H. Tone wrote the book “Religion and the Dawn of Capitalism”, in which he argues that Protestantism shifts the focus of VP to the desire to achieve success in the real world, as this will lead to success in heaven. Business and time. Time is money - says advertising for a company that trades shares. In business, it is very important to do a lot of work in a short time. The essence of work is that we give our efforts, our time in exchange for money. Here is another slogan of the San Francisco Bank - “Saving Time.” Countries need banks, people earn money and keep it in the bank, banks in turn lend money to businesses, without this business will not prosper. The biseness of time. Our life is controlled by time. With the advent of computers, our hours have become endless, we do not stop working, we take it home. The more stable people's future will be, the greater the gross national product. The invention of the clock is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. In many countries there were clocks on the towers that showed time but also coordinated religious events. Since there were no wristwatches then, people came to the squares to learn about time and religious holidays. On a sundial in England it says, “Moment by moment time is running away, hour by hour, day by day.” And on the same clock below: “On your eyelids is the shadow of death.” This reminds us of our difference from animals, in that we know about our finitude in this world and know that we will die. We must lead a righteous life in order to get to heaven, where we will be judged and brought to justice. The white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland is constantly in a hurry, late, he does not even have time to say hello, he is focused on the future. This.
