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Passive person People who are difficult to lift, those who measure 7 times but never cut, those who go with the flow, who limit themselves in activity, who like to sit on the sidelines, in the position of observers of someone else’s life, willy-nilly, made a choice in favor of a passive existence. The beginning of any activity - be it physical, social or business - causes great resistance and anxiety in them, since it means the need to prove themselves, to be noticed. And this is exactly what they really don’t like, because they have experience of failures, reproaches, ridicule, etc. Either due to his own slowness and clumsiness, or due to lethargy and lethargy, or due to slow-wittedness and uncertain behavior. Since, due to passivity, such a person is constantly being pushed in order to encourage him to do something or start moving, he becomes dependent on external influence, someone else's will. The tandem of Oblomov and Stolz is a vivid example of this. Unfortunately, often the parents of passive ones turn out to be powerful or dominant persons who absorb all opportunities for independent activity of their children. Or cold and distant, indifferent to children's life and interests. As a result, children who constantly encounter obstacles and restrictions or indifference and indifference get the impression that any activity requires too much effort from them. For this reason, their own will suffers or is not formed. As a result - dependence, humility, submission, diligence. And also softness and spinelessness. Dejection, lack or limited interests - this is what a passive person comes to after a series of failures, having come to terms with the sluggish rhythm of his life. Interest is always associated with activity, energy, faith in oneself, one’s abilities, and focus on the future, and this is precisely what he lacks. Despite the fact that a passive person can be capable and even talented, this is often hidden from others - and from him too. One way or another, prolonged, chronic passivity is evidence that something is wrong with a person’s life processes, he is suffering the ability to express oneself and act. This condition can be explained by physiological processes, but not only. Another reason is fear of life or some of its manifestations. Yes, life is unpredictable, in our time (and, indeed, at any time) it is difficult, makes you nervous, worries, is subject to stress, forces you to move, act, requires effort . And in general, they die from it. So isn’t it better, if it’s such a nuisance, to wait it out and endure it, without getting up from a comfortable chair or sofa, or under the wing of someone who, despite everything, is not afraid to live?.. Much depends on a person’s choice. How can the passive be reconciled with activity? If we do not take into account cases of obvious congenital pathology, then in every passive creature lies a craving for activity. (Isn’t she remembered in the saying “There are devils in still waters”?) And if such a person speaks of a reluctance to move, then it may relate to the situation, surroundings, form or quality of activity, but not the activity itself in principle. What could make it easier for him the realization of this craving and make activity (physical, social) pleasant, and efforts towards it natural? The braking method is already known and tested many times, but the car rolls only as long as the factory allows it. There must be a way to awaken the internal source of activity of the person himself, accustomed to a passive lifestyle, the resources of which would be sufficient even when it is difficult to start or continue to act, and when there is a habit of depending on external motors (it’s good if this is a dependence on someone like Stolz , and if not?), and in cases of despondency and lack of interest. So what can help? First, a positive experience of activity. It can be acquired by engaging in the type of activity (preferably including both physical and social components)/
