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Stress is the body’s way of adapting to the conditions of a changing reality. There are several types of stress: eustress – “useful stress”, as a result of which the functional reserve of the body increases and its adaptation occurs. Such a reaction, as it were, protects a person from committing rash and risky actions, helps to win a competition, concentrate, etc. Distress is “negative stress,” a condition that negatively affects the human body. I will use the word stress, meaning distress. The same situation, event can become stressful for one person, but not for another. Our psyche is very individual and we adapt differently. What about those who find it difficult to cope? How to help yourself? I will share simple but very important ways. 5 ways of self-help. This information may be helpful to you or your loved ones when under stress.1. BodyWhen faced with a difficult situation, a person experiences a separation: thoughts, feelings and body are separate, this is a defense mechanism. In a situation of stress, we lose our sense of security. It is important to regain the sensations of your own body, to re-define the boundaries of your body - our reality begins with the bodily self. This can be any bodily practice: yoga, qigong, massage and self-massage, etc.2. Experiencing feelings It happens that people avoid facing difficult experiences: fear, powerlessness, anger, etc. But they are not going anywhere. If these feelings are not given space, they can lead to psychosomatic illnesses, diseases and neuroses in the future. Body and psyche are one. In a situation where stress is very intense, it is important to seek help from a stress specialist in order to safely process the feelings.3. Communication When experiencing stress, a person needs to communicate with people who can provide support and care. Ordinary human warmth is extremely necessary, like a mother’s hug to a baby. It happens that people begin to withdraw and isolate themselves from other people. It is important to look for those in your environment who can listen to you without judgment or advice and just be there.4. ResourcesSelf-care, it is important to find what gives you pleasant experiences and sensations. For some, this may be a cup of delicious tea, for others, walks, movies, a balanced diet even with loss of appetite, etc. Resources are necessary for the psyche in order to cope with stress.5. Reducing the influence of stressors It is important to reduce the influence of negative factors that cause stress. Eliminate them, if possible: protect yourself from toxic communication, news from the media, change jobs, etc. In situations where we cannot eliminate stressors from our lives, it is important to minimize their presence in our lives as much as possible. And replenish resources even more. In situations where it is not possible to eliminate the source of stress, a person experiences chronic stress. There may be an encounter with high-intensity stress: military action, a threat to the life of a person or loved ones, violence, death of significant people, betrayal, road accident, serious illness, etc. In such cases, these events can affect the structure of the brain and how it works, down to the genetic level. Traumatic stress can lead to a variety of consequences, including post-traumatic stress disorder. It is important to seek help from a specialist in a timely manner. You can restore your sense of body, live through difficult experiences, get support and be heard, and cope with chronic and intense stress with the help of a psychologist qualified in working with stress. I work with stress face-to-face in the following approaches: art therapy, gestalt therapy and body therapy. You can sign up for a consultation through the website, WA Telegram messengers or by phone: +7 (982) 747-42-17
