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Recently I was talking with a friend and in the conversation I remembered how one of my colleagues told me that a Gestalt therapist is now a prestigious profession. I told him about this and added that in my youth the prestigious profession was that of an astronaut, pilot, geologist, etc. To which my interlocutor asked: “How much does an astronaut or geologist earn now? And is the risk associated with the profession worth that money? I thought about it and realized that at that time I didn’t even have such a question. The very romance of this profession, the trials, difficulties and the touch of something secret and eternal was alluring. And this created prestige for me. Times have changed and for some time now, the prestige of a profession is determined, first of all, by whether they pay well for it. It’s as if that part of our soul that is responsible for our interest in this world, for what can bring us joy from the process itself, from involvement in something more, from the romance of teenage fantasies, from setting and solving any problems, overcoming difficulties , gave way to something very pragmatic, but at the same time simple and reliable. It’s as if we have slid down Maslow’s pyramid to the very foundations of our being, to our vitality. After all, it is clear to most that if you have a resource, monetary or administrative (a type of monetary), you can buy yourself all the benefits of this world. Build your foundation. And that romantic part of our soul, associated with self-realization and self-actualization, simply remained incomprehensible and therefore not in demand. After all, you can’t buy a dream, you can’t buy the awe and joy of what you’ve done. And what is this anyway? You can definitely get high from a new car or a vacation to the Maldives. Everything is clear here. And a young man, when choosing a profession, relies on what is more clear to him, what he most often hears and sees. Earned - bought. Of course, I’m not talking about everyone now, of course I believe and know that there are others who feel the subtler vibrations of the Universe, for whom it is prestige to continue the work of their idol, looking at whom they take their breath away, their heartbeat quickens and they want to be the same , and maybe better, do and act the same and even better. These are the romantics of their business. Therefore, I don’t understand what the videos of various “doers” are calling for, such as: “In an hour I raised money for a brand new car, invested money in the right asset and ..... and the like.” I don’t understand the happiness that comes from doing more and better than such an “idol.” Why did I write all this? And to the fact that I believe that good astronauts, pilots, lawyers, economists, IT specialists, Gestalt therapists are not those who came into the profession because they can make good money here, and this raises the prestige of the profession, but those who have seen the work and result of the work of his future colleague, and he first wanted to repeat, and then improve, those who conscientiously strive to do the due justice of this profession, so that as a reward they would receive the opportunity to create. And maybe then there will be fewer unhappy people, bored from vacation to vacation, from paycheck to paycheck, who have lost their enthusiasm, and with it themselves, future retirees or caught like a squirrel in a wheel, always dreaming of relaxing, but continuing to run after illusory happiness, "achievers". And to do this, you need to remember your childhood, youth, remember your idols of those years, the heroes of the books you wanted to be like, remember your dreams. And maybe that part of our soul, which is now difficult to hear in the noise of advertising tinsel, began to beat, pounding in our chests from the sight of a roaring spaceship leaving the launch pad.
