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From the author: Therapeutic stories and fairy tales help to unlock creative potential and understand the intricacies of your own life scenario. Friday morning. Alina woke up, looked out the window and smiled. A cool breeze bubbled the tulle curtain and refreshed the face, flushed from sleep. “Bright morning!” – the mobile phone squealed. “And you too,” Alina slapped her finger on the phone, the mobile phone went silent. Dress, wash, coffee - on the way, and now Alina is already at the bus stop. There is plenty of time before work starts. “Maybe on foot?” But the bus that rolled up dispelled the good intentions of a healthy lifestyle and Alina happily plopped down on the sun-warmed seat. The smooth movement of the bus rocked you and set you up for leisurely thoughts about relaxation. Bam! The bus shook and warped. - A-A-A!!!-a-a-a... Nothing else happened. The bus was standing. Alina carefully walked towards the exit. The doors were open. She went out. She walked back to the sidewalk and looked back to see what had happened. The right wheel of the bus fell into a hole. The driver stomped around the immobilized vehicle, puzzled. Resisting the impulse to approach and offer help, Alina went towards work. Pleasant thoughts remained on the bus, but thoughts of escape, betrayal, and indifference entered my head. She was worried that she had gone against her worldview. Her imagination painted sad pictures of abandonment and loneliness. She felt sorry for the driver, helpless in front of the colossus of the motionless iron. She felt that if she were in his place, human sympathy would support her. For some time, Alina continued to walk forward. Then she turned around sharply and hurried back to the bus. She imagined a possible dialogue: “Can I be useful to you?” “What can I do?” But thank you for your participation! Are you going to work? - Yes. - Won’t you be late? - No problem! - Would you like some coffee? My mother put a thermos for me. “With pleasure!” Pleasant thoughts were interrupted by grinding swearing. The driver was talking on the phone. Judging by some literary words, the dialogue took place with the dispatcher. But words unsuitable for printing rushed from different directions - the immobilized bus accumulated a decent traffic jam during this time. Alina’s mood completely deteriorated. There was no trace left of the tempting pictures of continued acquaintance and pleasant meetings over the coming weekend. The resentment remains. The insult tasted bitter, like over-roasted coffee. Alina hurried to work. Walking past a pet store, she noticed an aquarium with a veiltail in the window. And this lovely fish reminded her of Pushkin’s fairy tale. Alina thought about what she would wish for if the fish asked her. From the thought that arose, Alina stopped. She, just like the old man, would go to the sea and ask the fish for all sorts of nonsense for someone. But not for yourself! Because she doesn’t know what she wants! And suddenly the sun shone - Alina realized that she liked the bus driver, that she wanted to meet him. And she turned back again. The bus was no longer in its original place. The pit - the cause of misfortune - was fenced off with white and red cones. Alina wandered off to work. And since she was quite late for work, she decided to go to a cafe for a large glass of cappuccino. A young man was sitting near the counter. Alina looked at him and recognized him as her neighbor at the entrance. “Hello,” said the young man. “Hello,” Alina responded. “My voyage is closing,” the young man said. “Where to?” - asked Alina. - To St. Petersburg, for the weekend. -? - The company collapsed. Everyone scattered. “I want to go,” Alina didn’t expect this from herself. “Well!?” “My name is Alina.” “And I’m Misha.” “By train or plane?” “Peregrine Falcon.” “When.” “Tomorrow morning.” Gathering at the entrance at 5.00. — Okay. This weekend in St. Petersburg turned out to be surprisingly sunny. The pleasure from the trip, from the splendor of the city, from her spontaneity, from a new acquaintance gave Alina confidence in the possibility of change and instilled hope that these changes were for the better.
