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From the author: Merger. Control, trauma of betrayal. Babies do not separate themselves from the world. That important and such painful process of separation (separation) has not yet taken place. “The world is me,” the baby thinks, or rather feels. Then, a little later, he feels that “the world is for me.” Two-year-olds are not able to look at the world through the eyes of another person, to put themselves in someone else’s place. For them, it rains all over the world, and everyone in the world is sad when their personal knee is bruised. And if chocolate appears in his world, then he must eat the chocolate himself, because the word “sharing” has not yet come to his world. Over time, the child understands both his own boundaries and those of others. He begins to respect the wishes of others, he shares gifts and does not make noise while his mother is sleeping. Sometimes it doesn't happen that way. And in this case……. And the girl came on the verge of a breakdown and hysterics. Her fiancé surrounded her with love. He took him prisoner and wrapped him in a blanket of affection and care. Now only she understood her mother’s reproaches and that reproachful look from Tonya’s childhood, when she, as a baby, caressed and kissed the bird. I gave her all my love, but the bird died in captivity. Mom said that the bird didn’t like the pies that Tonya fed it, and didn’t like it when its feathers were stroked, but Tonya didn’t believe her mother then. Everyone loves pies and being stroked on the head. Today, Tonya’s adult head was like cotton wool, and her thoughts returned to the bird that she dreamed about, dreamed about, dreamed about... That little bird whose heart was pounding against her palm, and whose wings were trying to get out of the children’s sweaty the delight of her fingers. Now she herself was trying to break away from Tolik. Especially in bed, especially when... “well, you understand.” Sex became her punishment not so long ago. At first, she liked Tolik’s timid attempts to play with her luxurious breasts, however, his hands became tenacious, stubborn, and grabbed painfully, in a way that she didn’t like. She tried to dodge, tried to turn her back. But the omnipresent and dexterous palms of the darling, so tenacious, grabbed her breasts from any position. She tried to pull away, she argued, spoke, offered options. There’s only one answer to everything: “You’re so cool, I also want to please you.” “It’s unpleasant for me, Tolik, it’s not nice!” Tonya almost screamed, trying to escape. “Well, what are you talking about, how can you suddenly not like it?” Tolik laughed it off and placed his nipples under Tony’s hands. Look how great it is! The last time she almost vomited. Her tormented breasts were now afraid of the bra and even his passionate glances. The merger and its slogan: What is good for me is good for the whole world. And even the wisdom is “folk”, about doing for others what you want for yourself. The one-sided understanding of this wisdom in the format “I squeeze my breasts just as much as I love to receive caresses for myself” is justified by the depth of infantility. All the same, it turns out “it’s nice for me to squeeze you, which means it’s automatically nice for you.” For a mature person, the phrase sounds like “do as I ask you, and I will do as you ask me.” It’s like with chocolate. The children's practice of having fun alone in adulthood sounds like this: “I eat, it’s sweet for me, and automatically it’s sweet for those around me.” And no matter how Tonya hides her breast, of course, he will find it, since he has not yet been weaned from the breast, from his mother’s nipple. Psychologically, of course. Didn't finish it. Not separated. Imposed pleasure. Control. Merger. The childhood trauma of betrayal requires the creation of total control over another woman, who, of course, will betray him now, as an adult. She is already betraying him by taking her (his) breasts from him. Just like his mother... Your Irina Panina. Together we will find the path to your hidden capabilities. My Website.
