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The absence of a father in the family has a significant impact on a boy's development. Relationships with parents play an important role in every child's life, and the absence of a father can affect his emotional, social and psychological well-being. First, a boy may lack an example of masculinity and paternal influence. The father is the main male role model in a child's life; he demonstrates how to behave in a man's world. The absence of a father can lead to difficulties in developing a masculine identity, as well as in developing important skills and qualities such as responsibility, self-discipline and self-confidence. Secondly, a boy may have difficulty understanding how to set healthy boundaries and relationships with peers and others family members. The father usually plays the role of mediator between the boy and the world, helping him understand the rules of social interaction. In the absence of this guidance, the child may find it more difficult to develop and maintain relationships with others. Also, the absence of a father may cause emotional problems in the child. The father is usually a source of support, protection and stability. Lack of this support can lead to feelings of insecurity. In such cases, it is important that the mother or other adult men, grandfathers, uncles help the boy understand his emotions and learn to cope with them. The social consequences of the absence of a father also play an important role in the boy’s life. Children raised without a parent are at greater risk of behavior problems. This is due to the lack of structure and support that the father could provide. However, not all children raised without a father become problematic. Other factors, such as the quality of the relationship with the mother, the presence of other adult men in the child's life, and access to healthy role models, can help manage these difficulties. Awareness and support from society and family are also important factors in the successful development and character formation of a boy. In conclusion, the absence of a father in the family can have a significant impact on the development and character formation of a boy. A child's relationship with his father has an important impact on his emotional, social and psychological well-being. However, with the help of the support of other close adults and society, the boy can create conditions for the successful development and formation of his personality.
