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Dear reader, with this article I begin a series of works devoted to the study of amplification material in Mahatma Gandhi’s book “Hind Swaraj or Indian Self-Government”. It is no secret that in In Jungian therapy, the amplification method is one of the main ones. During their training, psychologists strive to master the art of amplification in order to use it in client work with maximum effectiveness. In principle, amplification work takes place in other modalities, but in Jungianism it blossoms into a beautiful lush rose, addressing not only the client’s consciousness, but also his unconscious part. In a nutshell, about the essence of the method. When a client comes to a psychologist in a depressed emotional state, the psychologist classically removes 2 factors that harm the client here and now. It's isolating and dramatic. Emotional decline is mainly accompanied by a feeling of complete loneliness and misunderstanding. In a psychologist’s office, a person opens up: the client can feel free and safe, due to which he freely broadcasts his feelings. The psychologist supports the client, joins him in emotions, which removes the effect of isolation. The drama of the situation arises to the greatest extent due to the client’s feeling that his case is unique. This is where the first aspect of the psychologist’s amplification work comes into play. His task is to show the client that his situation is not unique. Show that many people are facing the same thing. For this purpose, a psychologist can appeal to cases from the history of other people (not his clients, so as not to violate the rule of confidentiality), historical excursions into the biography of famous people, literary works, spiritual literature, cultural heritage or mythology of different peoples of the world, and so on. This removes the drama in the client’s mind. It is on the principle of removing drama that the main healing effect of group therapy is based. But if in other methods amplification work is aimed only at expanding the zone of consciousness, then Jungianism also uses this method in order to “reach” the client’s soul. We use amplification to address the archetypal field of the unconscious. With my amplifications, I strive to arouse emotions in the client, which will provide a sufficient energy impulse to awaken one or another archetype. Sometimes amplification images allow you to communicate with the archetypal image itself and direct it towards incorporating it into the client’s consciousness in the most beneficial way for him. For such work, as a Jungian in my way of thinking and principles of work, I need extensive and deep amplification material to work with clients. Jung used Greek mythology a lot in his work. It is colorful, full of stories and is able to captivate the client’s mind. However, I see that it may not be as close to our client, and therefore not as effective, as for the Europeans with whom Jung worked. After all, classical European education was built on the ancient tradition; this did not exist in our country. Therefore, I am constantly in search of amplification material that will be close to our clients. The book of Mahatma Gandhi, which will be discussed in my series of articles, is excellent material for amplification with our clients. It is full of emotions, appeals to the depths of the soul, filled with real events and details that can excite the imagination. In my cycle, I will try to make maximum use of the material proposed by Gandhi, citing the most vivid emotional quotes, and show how it can be reflected in relation to the consciousness and unconsciousness of an individual. A few words about the book itself and about my relationship with it. In 2021, I translated from English and voiced this work. The resulting audiobook is available for free on the RuNet (for example, on the website akniga.org, just search for Anastasia Malysheva)
