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From the author: The article was published in the magazine "Business Guide" No. 4 (18) for May 2011. Academy of Personal Growth: Everyone can grow to success. Each of us has something we associate with the concept of “success”. In our country, a person is considered successful if he has reached certain financial heights or occupies a significant social position. But maybe everything is simpler? Often, a successful person is one who simply works at a job he loves, achieving results in this life that please him. Or he does what interests him, getting pleasure from it. This is someone who is healthy, surrounded by loved ones, and in harmony with himself. What prevents us from becoming like this? How to grow to your own success? This is not the first year that personal growth trainings have been held in Voronezh, where participants ask similar questions. The next graduation of students took place in mid-April. Here are two diaries of newly minted graduates of the main training course - the beginning of the leadership program, who agreed to share with us their personal experience, their feelings and experiences about three days on the path to success. ALEXANDRA, head of the “Business Guide” project Day one. Transformation into an optimist. The first day can safely be called the day of breaking stereotypes. I had no idea that just a few hours later I would begin to look at some things from a completely different angle... The fact that there are no mistakes, and each person always chooses only the best option for the development of events - these seem to be quite understandable things. This was not a secret even before the training... But using the simplest examples from life, these well-known truths take on a completely different shape. Previously, we explained failures in planning and achieving goals as a manifestation of our weaknesses, fears and self-doubt. It turns out that it was more convenient for us, that’s what we decided ourselves! During the training, I came to the realization that any situation (even from my own life) can and should be looked at differently, without excuses and “beautiful stories” to reassure oneself. Before the start of the training, everyone decided on the key goals they want to achieve. I am a realist, and I am quite skeptical about trainings; the goals I set were confirmation of this. However, on the way home, sorting out the experiences I had experienced, I was already setting new goals for myself. I don’t know if this can be called the process of becoming an optimist, but it began to seem that I could do much more, and I would certainly succeed. Day two. Return to the past. If the first day gave the basis, basic concepts and was aimed at the present, then the second day can be called the day of returning to the past. I was surprised that the practical classes were very emotional. In just a few minutes, people I didn’t know became so close and dear to me that I was easily able to relax and share memories and personal experiences. Despite the late hour, I didn’t want to leave. An amazing charge of energy that called me to share positivity with others, an open and direct look - this is the kind of person I went home with. Day three. Consolidation through overcoming doubts. The program of the third day was shorter, but became an important link in consolidating my (already new!) goals through overcoming fears and doubts. The most unexpected thing for me was the fact that in such a short time we all became members of a single team, ready to help and support each other. I think each of us understood that throughout the three days we together, step by step, overcame internal resistance to achieving our own goals. We went through discomfort (the first day of the training), openness and understanding (the second day) and support from friends (the third day). 2 weeks later. I am sure that the “recharging of batteries” that occurred during those three days gave me an impetus for development. I have definitely become closer to my goal. The most important thing was the desire to act here and now, without fear and doubt, without the thought of leaving all this “for later.” And I'm already taking my first stepstowards your goals. MAXIM, director of the Videxim-Voronezh branch. Day one. So far it’s good - we don’t want to change. From the very beginning I was surprised that I found myself among people who were so different from each other. And it’s not just about age or position (there were business owners, retirees, and students here), but also about the variety of goals they set. Despite the fact that the coach showed himself to be a charismatic, emotional person with amazing energy, the first day For me it turned out to be the most difficult and uncomfortable. And yet it passed in one breath, lively and energetic. I realized that entering the discomfort zone is a necessary condition for changing myself from the inside, realizing and revising the stereotypes in which I used to believe. After all, people change dramatically only under the influence of some kind of stress or global event in life. Otherwise, alas, we don’t want to change!!! It was this process that was launched inside me on the first day of the training. I began to rethink my approach to life and way of thinking, and realized that since I still wanted to change my life, I needed to change something radically. With these thoughts, I went to bed at 12 am. Moreover, I didn’t feel tired; on the contrary, I was filled with energy - I was ready to start changing my life right now! Second day. With hearts wide open. On the second day of the training, I looked at my relationships with loved ones, family and subordinates from a different angle. I decided that my relationships with other people should be built on the basis of greater understanding, become more trusting and open. And I promised myself that I would start changing them right now. It was on this day that I freed myself from a huge number of problems and grievances that sat deep inside me and, to one degree or another, influenced my behavior, my life in the present. The discovery of the second day for me was that before coming to the training I I completely stopped seeing the brightness of our life, focusing only on its negative manifestations. But in fact, there is still enough room in my heart for love for the people who surround me. Day three. New me! At the beginning of the day, each of us shared our new goals, which became specific, clear and clear. And it was on the third day of the training that I caught myself thinking that I was in the room with completely different people. I listened to them and was amazed at how much we all increased our self-esteem, how much we raised the bar in our goals, plans and dreams. I myself became different, no, I just became new for everyone, and first of all for myself! And most importantly, I am ready to go, no, run towards my goals, and I am absolutely sure that the new goals I have set will be achieved by me! And the most amazing discovery of the third day, and of the entire training, for me was that I already knew all this ! Each of us knows everything that we discussed at this training, simply - we either do not know how to use it, or we certainly need third-party confirmation that we are thinking and moving in the right direction. And during the training I received this confirmation! 2 weeks later, now that the very first impressions and emotions have subsided and I can think about everything with cold prudence, I ask myself the question: “Will anything change in my life after this training? !?” Yes, I feel it has already changed! I began to enjoy any pleasant moment in life, without hiding my emotions, as almost all adults do, unlike children. I no longer reproach myself for some actions of the past. For what? The past still cannot be changed. I stopped shifting my failures onto someone else, and I don’t get particularly upset if those moments in life happen that we used to call “failures.” The understanding has come that we have one life and we must be able to enjoy it, drink it to the full, and enjoy everything that is around us. After all, everything that surrounds us is created by us ourselves! Afterword There are moments in every person’s life when you feel like you are standing still or moving forward very slowly. Sometimes,.
