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Becoming successful in life today is very difficult. To become a true professional in your field, you need to work hard, devote almost all your time to your favorite activity, have imagination, diligence, love for the profession and a constant desire to learn and improve. In addition, you need to have patience, endurance, and be in some way even a psychologist, because you need to find a certain approach to each person, a willingness to listen and understand. A true professional must not only be competent in his field, but also an expert in the human soul. Beautiful picture, right? But what happens in the soul of that same professional when the number of clients exceeds hundreds, and the number of suggestions heard from them, and sometimes complaints, exceeds thousands? The answer is simple: feelings of fatigue, irritation, and poor health appear, associated with overwork. So over time. emotional burnout of the professional occurs, caused by enormous physical and mental stress. Professional burnout is not associated with dissatisfaction in your personal life. More objective indicators of this state are rather working conditions, moral assessment and personal professional characteristics. Therefore, burnout as a phenomenon comes to the attention of not only psychologists, but also employers interested in energetic employees who “burn out” but do not “burn out” completely at work. Unfortunately, in our time, many actively working people are not ready to admit that have health problems caused by work. How to overcome the state of burnout and make the “internal beacon” shine in the right direction? There are a number of recommendations that can reduce the appearance of symptoms of professional burnout. For example:1. Constantly improve your professionalism.2. Lean on the support of your colleagues. Share with them your experiences accumulated during the working day. This will help relieve stress.3. Get a good night's sleep, exercise (at least 10 minutes every day), take a vacation, fill your life with pleasant events.4. Take an interest in the life around you - diversify your leisure time. Following these recommendations will prevent the professional from experiencing an acute state of burnout. I wish all professionals to “shine” brightly for others, but not to “burn out” themselves!
