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From the author: Magazine "Family and Children" (2009) WITHOUT Clan and Tribe Once betrayed, who will you trust again. Devoted children are perhaps the worst problem in the life of any society. Expelled at the moment of birth from your family, from your clan, your whole life is not enough to understand why and why you are doing this. And only the Universe knows which path you must take in order to regain peace, faith and love in your soul. In a situation of exclusion and denial of a child in the family-tribal system, perhaps the most terrible thing is that it always entails a damaged image of the child about himself. That is why it is so typical for an orphan to deny his self-image. He grows up feeling abandoned and rejected. This leads to tension and mistrust of people and, as a result, to real rejection of oneself and others. In the course of further relationships with others, the negative attitude towards oneself only intensifies. The reason for the formation of a negative self-image is the lack of unconditional, selfless love, which ideally should nourish and fill us, like sunlight. Love not for something, but simply because you exist. “You are good, I love you because you exist!” - these words are vital for a child. Deprived of maternal love, care, affection and attention, a child carries throughout his life a huge painful internal conflict “I want to be loved, but I can’t do it,” expressing distrust and suspicion of people and the world in general. This can manifest itself in psychosomatic illnesses and hysterical reactions, the meaning of which is to receive this long-awaited attention. He goes to war with the whole world in order to win for himself at least a drop of love and acceptance. Ideally, the world around a baby should be “tasty,” bright, rich, and varied. It is very important for a child to have sensory-visual sensations and rich impressions. He must see, hear, feel, physically experience this world. A sensory-impoverished environment is disastrous for a child; he does not develop speech and motor skills in a timely manner, and mental development is inhibited. The phrase “movement is life” is most suitable precisely for the beginning of a person’s life. If you have ever been to an orphanage, you could see how babies stand and rock on their own in their cribs, sucking their fingers, tapping their arms or legs. These are all signs of compensatory motor activity. At first glance it may seem that this is not so scary. In fact, the motor sphere at an early age is closely related to intellectual development and the formation of a sense and image of “I”. And this is the basis of self-awareness. A limited movement environment leads to increased anxiety or a state of emotional lethargy, depression, and depression. These conditions do not go away on their own and easily flow into adulthood. Unfortunately, attachment disorders are always present in the psychology of orphanhood. When the mother leaves, the child cries. If you suddenly begin to notice that your child has begun to be wary of strangers, this means that he has developed a sense of attachment. This usually happens by 7-8 months of a child’s life. Attachment is the stable emotional and psychological connections of a child with people who love him. In young children, attachment disorders are expressed as a lack of interest in eye and emotional contact. The child does not look for the adult’s face with his eyes, does not try to get an emotional reaction from him. At 1-2 years old, the child is fearful, wary, and has a low mood. He is often aggressive towards others and even towards himself, he lacks curiosity, emotional liveliness and spontaneity. At 3-4 years old he is very absent-minded, uncommunicative, he lacks a sense of distance, he shows excessive familiarity even with strangers. The child is clingy and indiscriminate in establishing friendships with adults and peers. A child growing up outside...
