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From the author: Sleep is a wonderful place, event, event in which we always take an active part, but at the same time we bear a minimal amount of responsibility. A dream helps us to assimilate, understand, understand what is difficult to do in reality. Sleep is a salvation that gives you the opportunity not to live in the constant feeling of commas or ellipses, but sometimes to put periods, completing at least the gestalt of the day. He helps us live in a world that cannot be created here, but we want to feel it internally. “Sitting in the chair, despite all its softness, was uncomfortable for her, since she would prefer to lie on the bed, or at least on the sofa. Every 10 minutes she looked at her watch, setting a mental timer for how long she could lie down. Either autumn, or 10 days without days off made themselves felt - but it didn’t matter. What mattered was what she wanted. Sleep is what she really wanted - not to eat, not to drink, not to watch her favorite TV series, but to sleep. But, despite this strong desire, she understood that even when she lay down on the bed, it would be very difficult for her to fall asleep, since for some unknown reason, when her body comes into contact with the mattress, sleep disappears...” I am one of those “happy” people who want to sleep all day, slowly but uselessly, drinking coffee. I want to sleep, doing business, while telling myself that today, when I come home, I will finally go to bed and just sleep - nothing more. But I can't do it. The first reason, but not the main one, is my Bengal Misha, who actively demands my attention, demonstrating a desire to contact me. And secondly, when I go to bed, I feel how sleep is leaving, and thoughts are coming, and I begin to analyze and think about everything that happened to me during the day, trying to figure out whether today was a good or bad day, whether I was at my best, or whether it was possible and do something better. I like to maintain a dialogue with myself. I can’t say that this is a monologue, since communication occurs between two parts of me, which have every right to exist. But from time to time the conversation of my parts prevents me from simply relaxing, calmly retreating to the kingdom of Morpheus. I adequately understand why exactly this is happening. Due to the large switching of activities during the day, I simply do not have time to reflect on how I live, what I do, how I feel about it. And secondly, with nervous exhaustion, activity appears, but it is closer to hysterical, straining the body. It was as if my body had been fighting sleep for so long that it had finally overcome it and now I could not sleep, but go to a disco. Previously, when my husband had difficulty falling asleep, he asked me to draw him in words some beautiful picture of something. a wonderful place, and then take him around it, showing him what is so interesting there. Thanks to this, he switched from what was bothering him, which prevented him from resting and relaxing. This is a constructive way out of a situation where it is impossible to sleep. Previously, as a student who did not have enough 24 hours in a day, I still assumed that sleep takes away hours of our life - I ignored the great role it plays. I ignored that he helps my mind tune into harmony and calm. Sleep is a wonderful place, event, event in which we always take an active part, but at the same time we bear a minimal amount of responsibility. A dream helps us to assimilate, understand, understand what is difficult to do in reality. Sleep is a salvation that gives you the opportunity not to live in the constant feeling of commas or ellipses, but sometimes to put periods, completing at least the gestalt of the day. It helps us live in a world that cannot be created here, but we want to feel it internally. In a dream you cannot get hurt or suffer, but you can live and feel. In a dream, we can see those who are not next to us - live at least a little with them. I would like to suggest the “Waking Dream” exercise. Its purpose is to work with.
