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Have you ever tried to imagine the Infinity of the Universe? What is it like when it is endless? Infinity does not fit into our heads because we have never seen it... Love and Freedom... Can you imagine it? They say that these two words describe our purpose. But the obvious conflict between love and freedom also does not fit into our heads. Psychologists have studied this phenomenon: Abraham Maslow, Bert Hellinger and others provide irrefutable evidence that Love for us is Severe Dependency. Academic Medicine echoes them: Love was introduced by experts World Health Organization in the register of diseases under the item “Disorder of habits and impulses, unspecified.” Along with other dependencies... There are many incredibly complex laws of nature and development in the world. But very often in Relationships, people do not know the SIMPLE RULES. And then it is difficult for them to be together, they feel that they are different, but they cannot be apart either! A couple is stressed - but everyone needs something completely different than their partner. For a woman to talk, for a man to be silent. Stress is the same, needs are different! Anecdote: - My beloved, what are you thinking about now? - If I wanted you to know what I’m thinking about, then I wouldn’t think now, but say it. We want, we need so that we can be understood... But even the closest person cannot understand us! We all want the romance of our first meetings to be preserved forever... But this is impossible - Everything in the World lives according to the Laws of Development... A COMMON CASE - FROM ORDINARY LIFE MEN: A man wins freedom from his Mother. He gets the taste... And he cannot stop this process when he meets his Beloved Woman. The struggle for freedom continues... And when He is successful in the struggle, he does not notice how he becomes Lonely. And it’s as if the water in the shower suddenly ran out when the person was soaping up. It’s uncomfortable, uncomfortable, pointless, and you want it all to end quickly. But the Man’s frantic and clumsy attempts to correct the situation lead to nothing. And it’s just that the Woman has already despaired of returning to a normal relationship with Her Man. She lost faith that this was possible. The man once again feels that he is not understood and gradually loneliness becomes a way of life for him EVEN WHEN He is in a Relationship. The support has left the relationship, and only use remains. Anecdote: All men can be roughly divided into rams and goats. Rams are those men who are poorly versed in the intricacies of female psychology (and ladies use them). Goats are those men who understand female psychology too well (and use ladies). BUT! There is ONE MORE TRUTH ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS: Bert Hellinger: “...The fact is that a man and a woman are different from each other in every way. This is not a small difference at all. Man and Woman are different in almost everything. But, despite such a big difference between them, both male and female ways of seeing the world, feeling, and reacting are full-fledged ways of human realization. Both husband and wife must acknowledge this..."John Gray: "...Respect for differences is a direct path to the absence of many conflicts in relationships..."Rajshin Osho: "...This difference is charming. This difference should not be violated. Separation must always be preserved, because these differences are the very juice of life..." YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE YOUR REALITY: Stop reading about ideal relationships, shedding tears over films - and BRING THE RELATIONSHIPS IN YOUR LIFE CLOSER TO THE IDEAL IMAGES OF THEM! Stop LIVING IN ILLUSIONS - start TRUSTING YOUR PARTNER MORE. Start taking care of your Relationships now - become the Author of your Future Life!
