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Internal states. How to take control into your own hands? Every day brings with it new events, situations, incidents, circumstances. Events drag you in, draw you into their cycle. We react, we live. Often, we do not freely choose how to react. Reactions occur automatically. Habitual, stereotyped ways of responding, ingrained in the mind, like certain algorithms of action. Learned strategies of thinking, behavior, response. We noticed when, having rearranged furniture, for example, at first, we look for an interior item in the place where it was previously located, and only over time we get used to a different location. At the same time, we can track and to realize what is happening to us: changes in mood, states, surging feelings, at what point after what events, states and feelings changed.. This is important because the following depends on the internal state: - the ability to act; - the ability to learn; - the ability to perceive; - personal effectiveness. And therefore, the ability to influence one’s internal states, manage them, get out of non-resource states, helps to quickly achieve desired goals, maintain a positive vision of the present and future. To manage internal states, it is necessary to recognize, detect and change important components: Physiological component: gestures, breathing, body postures, eye movements, eye position; Emotional: feelings and emotions accompanying the state; Visual/Auditory/Kinesthetic component:/Images, their location, color and size, distance and shape, characteristic of the condition;/Sounds, voices, intonations, timbre, volume, location of voices and sounds accompanying the condition;/Sensations, texture, temperature , characteristic of the state; These non-verbal keys provide access to the observation and management of internal states. Learned strategies of response, thinking and behavior can be “adopted” in childhood from the family system, and will remain in adulthood. While circumstances and contexts have changed, a person has grown, has greater resources, new knowledge and experience. However, habitual childhood reactions can greatly limit and interfere with adult life. In India, when a baby elephant is small, it is tied to a peg with a rope so that it does not run away. He makes attempts to free himself, but the rope is strong enough for him to gain freedom. And when the calf grows up and becomes a huge elephant, then a peg and rope are enough to hold the huge animal in place. It’s the same with people. Despite the fact that the ways of responding adopted in childhood may lose relevance, people continue to “live on autopilot” and deprive themselves of the opportunity to expand their consciousness and ways of interacting with others and meeting their needs. This is where the Gestal approach comes to the rescue, we develop the ability to be here and now, be aware of your feelings, as well as NLP techniques for working with images, parts of personality, submodalities. In order to find for yourself more effective ways of responding and behavior patterns that correspond to the current situation and status. What was inaccessible to a child, an adult CAN.
