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There is a technique in CBT that may seem a little strange, it's called "worry time." Most people spend a lot of time worrying, and now we are talking not only, and not so much about anxiety disorders, but, in principle, about people’s everyday lives. During the course of the day, it may seem to us that worry happens all the time and is impossible to control. So, setting aside time for specific experiences can reduce overall “anxious periods of time during the day.” Moreover, setting a time for worries and worries allows you to feel some control over stimuli, and, to some extent, this helps to cope with constant anxiety. What you need to perform this technique: 1. Set aside 30 minutes daily for active experiences.2. Schedule a specific time and place for worry. For example, at 11-00 during a break at work.3. During these 30 minutes, we focus on the excitement, without trying to neutralize fear by looking for solutions to problems.4. If experiences arise during the day, then these thoughts should be written down and put aside until the appointed time, without trying to challenge them. After a week, return to these entries and evaluate how much they concern you at this time.5. You cannot engage in extraneous or distracting activities during the allotted period of time for anxiety.6. Record your level of anxiety at the beginning of the exercise and at the end (from 0 to 10). For example, at the beginning of the exercise I felt 10 points of anxiety, and after 30 minutes the anxiety dropped to 6 points.7. Don't do this before bed. You may feel apprehensive about this exercise if you're doing it for the first time, however, most often it turns out that by setting aside a certain time for worrying - during the day, your anxiety will be less than usual. Do not forget that we are not trying to rid you of worries, but are trying to learn how to cope with them, this is the essence of healthy psychotherapy.
