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We complain about our lives with enviable frequency. But what exactly we are dissatisfied with and what exactly is wrong cannot be found out right away, because it’s not for nothing that everyone has heard the favorite phrase “everything is so complicated”... Today we will talk specifically about the method of identifying “bottlenecks”, which is the first step towards bright future. So where to start? First, let's define what “life is good” means. Do you agree that lately we have been literally attacked by the concept of “success?” On TV screens and on the Internet, they only mention success as a universal measure of human life. For example, Wikipedia defines success as “achieving set goals in a planned task.” In other words, if you are not achieving anything at the moment (even if you have everything and are just happy), then you automatically become unsuccessful. This is why success can be compared to the top of a mountain (and a very sharp one at that, and sitting on the peak is not very comfortable because it hurts). Besides this metaphor, I hope you remember our childhood game “king of the hill”. In this game, everyone tried to climb the mountain first, and then prevent others from climbing there. This game, unfortunately, has become a reality. Another thing is that proposed by S.V. Kovalev’s concept of “well-being”, characterized not only by efficiency (excellence in any task), but also by happiness (when you just live and don’t give a damn, but there is enough of everything). Then, if we assume that 10 points is the maximum, and 0 points is the minimum, we get the following: Based on this scale, measure your well-being both overall and by area (from 0 to 10 points). It is important to do this without hesitation, putting the number that comes to mind first - this will be the most correct value. For convenience, I have attached a table: Make the area with the lowest score the topic of your work and try to understand in detail what exactly bothers you about it. We will talk about this in more detail very soon. Based on the book by S.V. Kovalev "How to live to live." Sitalev Denis Lvovichpsychologist-psychotherapistsitalev.ru
