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Bad advice: how to create a dependent relationship Healthy relationships are boring. You feel calm and safe, you feel warm, a lot of tenderness and care. There is a lot of work, searching for compromises, self-knowledge, joint development. Each of you is an independent individual and you are together simply because the two of you feel good... Or is it a relationship built on emotional dependence! Seesaw from love to hate, lack of security, predictability, trust. Manipulation, scandals, hushing up problems, constant stress that destroys health - it definitely won’t be boring. If you want to create painful dependent relationships or destroy existing ones, just follow these tips: 1. Your partner’s feelings are entirely your responsibility.✅ Everything your partner feels is tied to you. He can't be upset about work or angry at a friend. Any of his negative emotions are your fault.2. The interests of the partner should come first.✅ You need to first of all think about the partner, how he will react, whether he will like it, how satisfied he is. If you decide to put your interests first, then this is terrible selfishness and in no way true love.3. You must always know what your partner is thinking and experiencing. ✅ Constantly find out what is going on in his soul and head. Achieve as honest answers as possible. But don’t trust, double-check, control. The most advanced ones still spread cards and go to fortune tellers.4. Look at yourself through your partner's eyes.✅ How will he appreciate this outfit? Will he like your opinion? What does your behavior look like on his part?✅ You must guess his reactions and show yourself only in the image that he likes.5. Didn't guess the reaction? Did your partner rate you negatively? ✅ So this is your miscalculation. We need to analyze and predict more carefully. You are not attuned enough to your partner.6. Evaluate your partner based on a template and a set of stereotypes. ✅ You have to rely on something. And it’s too difficult to perceive him as a living person.✅ Choose a template that your partner should correspond to. Don’t notice or change those features and manifestations of his that don’t fit in.✅ A template can be a set of “wisdoms” about what a man should be and how a woman should behave. Horoscopes, “mother said” attitudes, karmic calculations, teenage dreams of the ideal, images from your favorite films - choose to suit your taste.✅ If your partner does not want to follow the pattern, you need to motivate him: reproach, persuade, hint, shame.7. Your desires should be the same ✅ You should worry if your partner is not happy about what makes you happy. For example, you want to spend more time together, but he needs space for himself. You want a common hobby, but he separates his interests from yours.✅ This means that there is a flaw on your part. Let's pay even more attention, carefully analyze your partner's behavior, devote even more energy and time to the relationship, move your life to the tenth plan. Everything is in your power, because only you yourself are responsible for the feelings and opinions of your partner, like a conductor for the sound of an orchestra.8. Think about how much you put on the altar of love, how much you sacrificed, how hard you tried. And no gratitude!✅ Inform your partner about this, better with the help of a sudden scandal, tears, demonstrative silence.✅ Make him appreciate your sacrifice and dedication, even if he didn’t ask for it. Let him realize that he is now in an unpaid debt to you.9. Blame yourself.✅ When emotions cool down, after a scandal you should apologize to your partner for a long time, preferably in toxic ways like “You provoked me. You always behave like this...” Immerse yourself in a feeling of guilt, you can’t show dissatisfaction and cause negative feelings in your partner.10. Use the previous 9 points regularly.✅ The main condition for success is don’t think about what caused your feelings and don’t work on your condition.✅ With these harmful tips you will quickly
