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There are people who, having barely graduated from university, begin to confidently and without unnecessary stops move up the career ladder. But this doesn't always happen. Many, having reached a certain level, seem to get stuck in place... Moreover, people feel that they are capable of more, they strive for professional growth - but all their efforts disappear into the sand. Why?.. HIS GRANDFATHER’S GRANDSON There are many reasons. From negative attitudes inherited by a person to personal mistakes or an incorrect value system. But let's talk about everything in order. Once I had the opportunity to work with a man of about thirty, who, until recently, could safely be called the darling of fate. A sharp mind, enterprise, excellent education, desire to grow and develop are the most suitable basis for a successful career. I got a job immediately after graduating from university, in my specialty and in a reputable company. And for several years he confidently advanced in his career. However, on the next “step” the young man got stuck - as it seemed to him, for an indefinite period. He became the head of the department - but could not advance further, no matter how hard he tried. Perhaps someone decided that the guy had reached his ceiling. However, he himself thought differently. After just a few months, the man felt that he was cramped in this role, that he did not have the opportunity to realize his full potential. Of course, his ambitions did not disappear anywhere: the guy did not imagine that he would be stuck at the level of a middle manager for a long time. As it turned out, the reason for his career stupor should have been sought in the history of his family. The fact is that we inherit 70% of problems from our ancestors. It has been proven that at the genetic level, not only information about eye color and complexion is imprinted, but also about the unresolved problems of ancestors. It was a situation from the distant past that slowed down my client’s career. It turned out that even under Stalin, the young man’s grandfather had every chance of becoming the director of a large plant. But we all know how wildly the heads of the senior staff were flying back then. And the man decided that it was wiser not to apply for a high position, but to slow down a little. In general, he did not even apply for the position of chief engineer. And the attitude was deposited in the subconscious: “Great success means big problems. It’s better to stick to the golden mean.” And this stereotype was inherited by his grandson. When we worked through the situation and the guy freed himself from the “bad inheritance,” his career took off again. NOT A WOMAN'S BUSINESS? Many people sincerely believe that a career is not a woman's business. And, indeed, initially business is the territory of men, and it is men’s laws that apply here. And many ladies who achieve great success turn into typical “generals in a skirt” and often sacrifice personal happiness for the sake of their career. However, it is not at all necessary to put their career “on pause” in order to preserve their family and love. An intelligent, talented, educated lady may well become a successful businesswoman, while remaining an attractive woman who is happily married and/or has a lot of admirers. To do this, it is enough to admit that you are a woman and are not going to compete with men, playing according to their rules. One charming lady was already ready to give up her plans for a brilliant career, because she felt that even now, when she had not yet achieved her goal, work was taking too much time and effort. The character changes: the woman believed that she was becoming tougher, more intolerant (which is completely natural when you start playing in male territory). And all this does not have the best effect on her state of mind and relationships with loved ones. However, the lady admitted: she didn’t really want to sacrifice her career for her family - but, alas, she had to choose... Meanwhile, she only had to choose... herself. This, of course, is not about splendid isolation - but about remaining yourself in any situation: an interesting, smart, attractive woman. It should be noted that the lady worked in a company where 90% of the top positions were occupied by men. Well, the remaining 10% are those same “generals in skirts.” To 2018
